chapter thirty

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a/n so sorry i've been gone for what feels like forever. not lying, i've barely been on my phone because of school related shit. but this weekend ima try to write more idk how that'll go. but i hope you enjoy :).

in the car ride home billie and i were so giddy. probably because we were just so excited. a little one is gonna he here in not that long.

~ time skip of a few more weeks~

today we were finding out the gender of the baby and we couldn't have been more happy. i didn't care if it was a boy or a girl. i just wanted a healthy baby.

we got into the car. technically, we were all just going to see an ultrasound and then the gender would be revealed later at the party.

"i'm so excited," claudia said happily.

"finneas your next," i joked.

"shut up," he said.

"i finally got you back so hush," i said laughing.

claudia went ahead and decided her and finneas would set up the party for us. i was so grateful. she was excited because her and finneas would find out the gender first.

claudia was now my best friend. i loved her so much. she was always there for me and always gave the best advice.

for the reveal, we would pop a balloon. if it was blue, it's a boy. if it was pink, it's a girl. honestly that kinda bugged me because blue can be a girl colour but whatever.

besides that i couldn't have been more excited. every night leading up to that day would get harder and harder for billie and i to fall asleep because of the excitement.

we walked into the doctors office and we all went in the room. she did the ultrasound, but didn't tell us anything. it was so cool to see our baby after they had grown some more.

"they're so precious," billie cooed.

"only a few more weeks and they'll be with us," i said softly.

"mama loves you," billie said while looking down at my stomach.

that was finished and we all walked out of the room except claudia and finneas.

after a short amount of time they both walked out with huge smiles on their faces. claudia looked like she may have even cried a little. i wanted to know, but i liked surprises.

"fuck i wanna know," billie complained.

"no swearing around the baby," i joked.

"we all know they will have a potty mouth just like billie," maggie joked.

"yup," i said laughing.

we got back into the car and i was so anxious to find out. there was only a few more hours until i'd know.

"if it's a girl she can't date until she's eighteen," billie joked.

"excuse me, look at us. we're not even eighteen yet," i replied with a chuckle.

"oh yeah. sometimes i forget how old we are," she said.

"you're a dingus," i said.

"i'm your dingus," she said before kissing my forehead.

i leaned my head on her shoulder until we got back home. claudia and finneas left to go get some more stuff for the party.

not a lot of people were coming, just a few of billie's friends and some of our family members.

we walked inside and i went upstairs to get ready. i got into the shower and stared to rinse myself off.

i heard the curtain move and felt someone else's presence. billie.

"i'm so excited mamas," she said before hugging me from behind.

i smiled.

i turned around and looked into her eyes.

"i love you," i said.

"i love you too," she replied before kissing me.

we finished showering and then i wrapped myself in a towel.

"which should i wear," i asked billie while holding up two dresses.

"hmm... i say the one on the left," she said.

"okay," i replied happily.

i put on my bra and underwear, followed by the dress. billie changed  into her usual outfit which never changed my mindset on how gorgeous she looked.

"you're so perfect," billie said in her baby voice.

"i love you," i said.

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