chapter two

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we soon finished dinner and said goodbye to our new friends, except billie.

"you girls ready to go?" my mom asked.

"yup," i replied.

"sounds good," billie said smiling at me.

she's so beautiful. i wish i could tell her i like her, but it's too soon. we just met today but i feel like i love her.

as we walked over to my house, billie kept staring at me. i started blushing, so  looked away thinking she wouldn't see.

"so do you wanna go up to my room?" i asked.

"sure," she said smiling.

i would never get over how beautiful her smile was. the way the corners of her mouth curved and how her nose scrunched up a bit was  adorable.

we walked up the stairs. "shit" i thought to myself as i forgot to tidy up my room. i wasn't expecting her to come over.

"sorry about the mess," i said with an awkward laugh.

"it's fine love," she said before she blushed and looked down at the floor. "i don't know why i said that," she said with an awkward chuckle.

"it's okay... love," i said looking into her eyes.

we both sat down on my bed and i swear for ten seconds we were just staring at each other.

"so, what do you want to do?" she asked me.

"want to watch a movie?" i said not knowing what to do.

"sure," she said. "can we watch a scary one?" billie asked.

"yes! i love scary movies," i replied.

she ended up picking a random one i don't even know what it was called. twenty minutes into the movie, we somehow ended up cuddling and the top of the bed.

she was lying down as i was sitting up next to her. my arm was wrapped around her neck and i was so happy.

i bit my lip as i looked down at her. she was laughing at the girl in the movie's facial expression. she looked so cute when she laughed.

"hey y/n," she said.

"yeah, billie?" i asked.

"this might be a bad time, but i think i like you," she said before sitting up to face me.

"i like you too," i said smiling before blushing like crazy.

"i-i'm sorry if i rushed it, but i just feel so connected with you even though we just met-" she said while looking into my eyes.

i cut her off by kissing her.

"i-i'm sorry if that was too early-," i said.

she cut me off by kissing me back.

i smiled.

i couldn't stop looking at her. it felt as if i'd known her for years. i never wanted her to leave me.

"y/n would you come on our family's trip to hawaii next week?" she asked me.

i was shocked. i've wanted to go to hawaii since i was five years old. it meant so much to me.

"if my mom says yes... IM ALL IN," i said excitedly.

"my mom actually texted me earlier asking if you wanted to. she knew we were hitting it off well," she said with a smile.

i yawned.

"you tired mamas?" she asked.

"a little," i replied with a smile.

"let's get some sleep then," she said.

i went to turn off my light but then realized something. billie forgot to bring clothes from her house.

"hey it's too late for you to go grab clothes so do you wanna borrow some of mine?" i asked her.

"sure," she said smiling.

i grabbed her a shirt and some shorts.

"i don't wanna wake your mom up by going to the bathroom, so can i just change here?" she asked.

"yeah sure," i said calmly, but inside i was going crazy. we just met and she's now changing in front of me. i'm going fucking insane.

"just don't look," she said with a giggle.

she took off her shorts and slipped on mine. then she changed her shirt. i couldn't help but watch i mean, it's billie i have to watch.

she came back over to the bed and got comfortable.

"come here," she said signaling me to put my head on her chest.

"goodnight", i said.

"goodnight, love," she replied.

i felt so comfortable in her arms. it's like it was meant to be. i've never felt this close to someone so fast before, but it was perfect. i closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

"by the way, i saw you watching me. it was hot," she whispered.

i started laughing but soon fell asleep in her arms. i knew she was the one. i couldn't wait to go to hawaii in just a week with this beauty.

neighbours| y/n x billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now