chapter four

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today is the day we leave for hawaii and i couldn't have been more excited.

"good morning y/n," billie said as i was just waking up.

"hey," i said smiling at her. i could never get over her eyes.

"we have to leave in half an hour,"
she said.

"hey girls are you awake?" i heard my mom ask outside my door.

"come in," i said.

"hey mom can i tell you something real quick?" i asked.

"yeah sure, what is it?" she replied.

"it's just that billie is my girlfriend if you didn't already know," i said laughing.

"oh i've known since i watched you two first meet," she said.

billie and i looked at each other laughing. we didn't know it was that obvious.

"oh your brother and parents know too," she said to billie laughing.

"well shit," billie said looking at me.

"alright, i'll let you two get ready to leave. make sure you're both ready to go downstairs in 15 minutes," my mom said before shutting the door and leaving.

"well that went great, girlfriend," billie said with a giggle.

i looked into her blue eyes and we both laughed again. i think about this too much, but she is so fucking beautiful. how could i ever not think that?

"let's get up and get ready so we can sleep on the plane, okay?" she asked.

"sounds good," i replied.

we both got up and i already showered last night so i was good. billie however hadn't, so she headed to the restroom to take a quick shower.

"i fucking forgot my shirt," she said walking into my room in only a towel.

"damn love, you look hot," i said before going red as i thought i was being too provocative.

"oh do i?" she asked with a smirk.

"mhm," i replied.

she came over and sat on my lap, still in the towel. she kissed me on my lips and then just sat on me looking into my eyes.

"girls you better be down here in five minutes," i heard my mom say.

"damn, it's like she knows what we're doing," billie said with a laugh.

she grabbed her shirt and went back to the bathroom and changed.

we went downstairs and met billie's family outside. the uber soon arrived and we all piled in. we soon realized two people would have to double up, meaning two people would have to sit on someone's lap.

this made billie smirk and i new exactly why. claudia decided to sit on finneas lap. may i just say that they are the cutest. like they're never sexual around people unlike billie and i.

as you guessed, i sat on billie's lap not realizing that she was thinking of something.

i heard a notification go off from billie's phone. it was finneas and read "don't start fucking in the car i don't need to see that."

billie and i burst out laughing. he just kept making gross faces at us while joking around. billie continuously flipped him off.

after a few minutes we got to the airport and boarded the plane. we sat behind everyone with finneas and claudia in front of us. in front of them were maggie and patrick. lastly, in front of them was my mom.

i felt bad she didn't have someone to sit next to. we still aren't over the loss of my dad but we've gotten better. i know my mom misses him like crazy.

"you okay mamas?" billie asked realizing i looked blue.

"yeah sorry i just was thinking about my dad," i replied before looking out the window.

"don't be sorry y/n, it wasn't your fault. why don't you and i try to sleep?" she offered.

"okay," i said with a small smile.

i leaned my head onto her shoulder and she placed her head on top of mine. she intertwined her hand with mine. this made me smile instantly. it's like she already knew how to cheer me up.

"get some rest," she said before drifting off to sleep.

soon enough we would be in hawaii.

neighbours| y/n x billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now