chapter seven

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a/n i said there would be smut but i honestly want to keep this book more loving and not all kinky lmao. maybe later, but for now this is all y'all get. okay, bye bye. oh and i don't proofread lol sorry.

"mamas," i heard billie call as i has just woken up from a nap.

i groaned in response due to the fact i had just woken up.

she had somehow already gotten dressed without waking me up. she must have been super quiet.

"hey bils," i said after finally waking up fully.

"hi baby," she said while smiling.

she pushed a few pieces that were lose from my low ponytail behind my ear.

"you're so beautiful," she said before kissing my cheek.

i smiled while looking into her eyes. i then leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

"my mom said that they're all doing their own things for the rest of the day, so we can do that as well," she explained.

"i have no clue what to do," i said laughing.

"we could-" she trailed off. "how about i take you on a date," she said.

"hmm i don't know," i said sarcastically.

"it'll be fun, i promise," she said in her baby voice.

"fine," i said with a fake sigh.

i got up and changed into some jean shorts and a shirt. i wasn't gonna dress too nice since it's hawaii and it's hot so—

after we were both fully ready we went outside the hotel and got into the uber. at this point i still had no clue where we were going.

we pulled up to a restaurant that was near beautiful scenery. it was gorgeous.

we got out of the car and walked inside. it was a restaurant with the usual touristy food like seafood and burgers. the decorations were really pretty though.

"for two please," billie said to the waitress.

we followed her to a table outside. it was about 80° with a breeze, perfect to sit outside.

"hi, i'm veronica and i'll be your waitress for tonight. what can i get you two ladies to drink?" she asked.

"i'll have a root beer," i replied.

"i'll have a pepsi," billie said.

she walked away to get our drinks.

"i don't know what i want," i said i decisively.

"well we already know what i'm getting," billie said laughing.

"let me guess.. a burrito," i said.

"yup," she said in her baby voice.

the waitress came back with our drinks and to take our orders.

"i'll get a burrito, please," billie said.

"i'll take the fish tacos," i said awkwardly.

we handed her the menus and she went to place our orders.

"so y/n," billie said. "have you been having fun here?" she asked smiling as usual.

"very much so bils, i've never been happier," i said to her.

"good," she said looking into my eyes.

i was hoping we finally wouldn't be interrupted later like all the other times. not to be dramatic, but i think i love her.

our food soon arrived and it looked amazing. i was so sad we had to leave tomorrow.

we talked about everything while we ate. it was like when we first met again. we told each other everything and i loved it.

we finished our food and then payed. i placed my card in the card holder but—

"baby, let me pay," she said kindly.

"fine," i said with a fake scoff. "thank you i appreciate it," i said embarrassed.

"anything for my girl," she said smiling.

we got up from the table and she grasped my hand. i could never get over this.

"do you want to head back to the hotel or go somewhere else?" she asked me.

i love how she always asks me what i want to do. sometimes i feel bad, but i know i'll make up for it tonight.

"i'd like to go back to the hotel," i replied.

"sounds good baby," she said with a grin.

our uber soon arrived and we were headed back to the hotel. she placed her hand on my thigh and my stomach felt insane.

she put my chin in her palm and kissed me.

we soon arrived back and the hotel and billie grabbed my hand. let me tell you we DASHED.

we got into the room and she threw her shoes on the floor.

she started kissing my neck more and more.

"are you sure you're okay with doing this?" she asked me.

"i-i mean i've never done anything before but i'm ready," i stuttered before smiling.

"okay," she said. "i want you to know that i love you very much, y/n," she said looking directly into my eyes.

"i love you too, billie," i replied. i felt so happy she was mine.

neighbours| y/n x billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now