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We had all been called down for a meeting as they had more information they wanted to share with us but I couldn't quite focus on what was being said it was only when one name was said did it sound familiar.. Dr Zola. He was at that place where they were keeping Bucky, he was the one who was reading those words I didn't understand to him and he was the one who was injecting him with that serum. "I know who it is, it's"... "Dr Zola" me and Bucky both say at the same time, my eyes betraying me and looking over to him, he's concentrating on Steve and doesn't catch me looking at him thankfully. "When I was being held against my will I seen Dr Zola there, he held a brown book with a star on the front and he would say something and that's what would set him off, I also heard something about Hydra.. whatever that is" I knew it was important what I had said as both Tony and Steve's eyebrows shoot up. "What is Hydra?" I ask and Tony decides to answer "Hydra is a bunch of  Nazi-Germany pricks which were an Army of World War II under the command of Johann Schmidt. It was an SS sub-division that created advanced weaponry for the army. Their main purpose was to create advanced weapons for the Nazis. They stormed a castle in Norway where the Tesseract was buried for hundreds of years. They used the power to create advanced technology weapons and tanks. After discovering such power, Schmidt separated from the Nazi-Germany army and created their own Super-Army to rule over the world. Hydra had many bases around Europe but the US Army sent the SSR team with Captain America and the Howling Commandos to destroy the Hydra factories. Then, after Schmidt died, Hydra was dissolved and its advanced technology was studied by Stark Industries. By my father actually" it's crazy what they've told me but it kind of makes sense "I wonder if they created the Winter Soldier to do their bidding then, to go up against Captain America and to take back their work and continue on, that's why he has been sent to kill us multiple times but what I don't understand is why he has been sent to kill me" I wasn't exactly looking for an answer so I didn't mind overly much when that last part wasn't addressed. "On the night that I got accepted to join the army I was on a double date with Bucky, which is another story but he had a thing for brunettes, he would take them dancing and woo them, it was one of his weaknesses, so I'm not surprised that when you showed up to the bridge all that time ago he seen you and it triggered something within him" I hadn't expected an answer from him but when he did both mine and Bucky's gaze fell upon each other, I didn't really know what to say, I get up and walk out of the room, I can't handle knowing that he took me for no other reason than the fact that I'm a brunette female. I open the door and walk out of the building when a hand grabs ahold of my wrist and pulls me into them, my other hand flies out and lands on their chest, it's when I look at my wrist and see metal fingers holding it that I knew it was Bucky that followed me out. "What the fuck Bucky? Get off of me" I scream as I try and push and pull myself away from him. "Aren't you even going to listen to what I have to say?" He yells back and I stop fighting, looking at him clearly for the first time I just nod my head, still angry but willing to hear him out. "Yes, I admit that when I seen you I wanted you but you need to understand that it was never my intention.." before he finishes his sentence I free my wrist and swing it right into the side of his face. He stumbles back slightly and I turn and walk off, I can't believe that he took me for no reason, I can hear his footsteps when I spin back around "don't you fucking dare! I don't give a shit if you are Bucky or the winter soldier or even the sweet and kind and funny James Barnes, I want you to stay the fuck away from me" I turn and continue to walk over the huge patch of grass and make my way to the small market place, I need to take a moment to think. I look around the market and take in all the different colours and smells that surround me, from sweet pastries to spices and even the beautiful rugs and photos that hang from the stalls. My phone starts ringing it and without even caring who it is I answer "what the fuck do you want!" I scream, a few passers by look in my direction before shaking their heads and carrying on with their day "well hello to you too" I sigh and make my way to a quiet area of the market "Steve I'm sorry.. I thought you were.. well never mind who I thought you were" I can hear a small laugh as he speaks up "it's fine I know who you thought it was, look we have a plan that we think is going to work, we are going to try and capture Dr.Zola and bring Hydra down, Tony has asked for everyone to train harder than ever which means we will be needed a lot of assistance from you. We've asked for a nurse to come and lend out a hand with you, her name is Tracy.. she's coming by tonight so I was hoping you could show her around and give her the induction?" Having someone else there who could help me does sound so nice, especially with the fact that if they are to be training harder it means there is a chance Bucky will need help "yes of course, I'll head back now" we hang up the phone and I start to make my way back, it doesn't take me long and when I get to the front door I see a woman sat down looking at her phone "hi you must be Tracy? I'm Emma it's nice to meet you" I extend my hand and she shakes it before putting her phone into her bag "it's nice to meet you too, I'm so nervous yet excited to see and meet everyone" I smile along with her and open the door "I was thinking we could meet everyone first and then we could go down to the med unit and go through things there?" She nods her head and asks me to lead the way. Everyone is sat in the lounge watching Tv or mindlessly chatting when we enter "hey everyone I want you to meet Tracy, she is going to be helping me out with all things medical so please be nice" they laugh. "Tracy this is Peter Parker also known as Spider-Man, this is Thor, we've got Clint and Natasha or Hawkeye and black widow, we have Tony and Steve which you've already met and there is Bruce or hulk" she greeted everyone and everyone greeted her, she looked at everyone and then spoke "who is sat over by the door?" She asks and I don't even have to look to know who it was I purposely left out "that's Bucky.. shall we move down to the medical unit?" She looks to Bucky and greets him, but it's his reply that really pisses me off "oh don't mind her, it's nice to meet you beautiful" he smirks and my blood boils "Tracy, it's probably for the best if you keep your distance from him as much as possible, wouldn't want the arsehole getting any ideas, having said that he doesn't need to meet you to get ideas of the sick and twisted things he wants to do to you" I stare at him and I can tell that was a low blow, the room goes quiet as they look between the two of us "you know what? I fucked up but you have no right to be a little bitch about it" he walks towards me and backs me into a wall.. again "fuck you" I spit, he just laughs and moves in closer to my ear before he whispers "wouldn't you love to get that chance" his breath on my ear makes me shiver as his smirk comes back into his face, he pushes off me and walks out the room. I look back at everyone and see them all either smiling or smirking "oh grow up, let's go Tracy" I mutter as I leave the room and head to the lift, hoping to god she's following me, we get into the lift and make our way to the unit when she asks "so what's the deal between you and Bucky then? It's so obvious you guys like the pants off each other but.." My mouth drops open as I look at her "there is no 'me and Bucky' he's a manipulative impulsive prick and that's that" she laughs and I start to walk her through the rubbings and where everything is. "That's everything, if you have any questions please feel free to ask otherwise I'll see you in the morning"

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