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I still couldn't get over the fact that Bucky had shot me.. even more so the fact that he had shot me but didn't intend on hurting me. He had made sure that to anyone watching he had completed his mission in shooting me. I could hear everyone talking around me and shouting words at each other but I could fully make out a sentence. Even though I wasn't in his good book I still couldn't actually believe he had done that to me. I must have been in a daze as I couldn't seem to move or do anything, all I could do was listen and feel the overwhelming pain that was shooting down my body. I kept replaying over and over again in my mind what had happened, how he had looked at me and didn't even think twice before pulling the trigger on his gun. It happened a few hours ago but the shock was still very much here. I remember when we had got back to the Tower I had come around after passing out only to come to the realisation that nobody knew how to safely remove the bullet from my leg without severing my artery. I had to tell Nat exactly what to do as I lay awake for the removal, the adrenaline that was rushing through my body did help to manage some of the pain I was in. I pull the blanket up closer to my face as I lay in bed, I decided after what had happened and after taking medication to help with the pain that all I wanted to do was lay down and try and sleep it off, whatever our plan was we would work it out in the morning. "If you need anything at all I'm only a call away, my room is on the floor above yours so if you need me I'll be here within minutes. Don't forget Wanda is just outside your door so don't be afraid to call her also" it was horrible to see Steve this stressed and panicked but he wanted to make sure I was alright before he left my bedroom. He had been sat on the bottom of the bed making sure that the wound didn't open back up and that I remained conscious. I grab ahold of Steve's hand and give it a soft squeeze to let him know that I'm alright. "I'm going to try and get some sleep, it's been a long day and I've got a lot to try and process. If I need anything I'll call you" he's about to protest until he sees how tired I am and decided it's best to let me sleep. He moves off the bed and leans down to place a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room and closing the door, grateful for the darkness and quiet. I don't know how long I've been tossing and turning for, I can't seem to settle, I'd rather be doing something than just laying here, just as I reach across the bed to get my phone I notice something shining in the darkness in the corner of the room. I quickly grab the switch for the light and turn to look back to see Bucky stood in my room. My body freezes as I look at him, he doesn't move or say anything but he keeps looking at me, I'm afraid to move or speak and it takes a few moments before he steps forward, his face comes into full view as he grabs ahold of my ankles and pulls me down the bed until my legs are hanging off the edge, placed either side of his, he brings his hands up to my throat and uses his metal hand to wrap around my throat, making it hard for me to breathe, my eyes widen as my arms frantically try and pull his arm from around my neck. I manage to bring my knee up and catch him right where I wanted to, that's when his grip loosens and I can scream for help. It doesn't take long before the door is forced open and Wanda runs in. "I heard screaming are you alright? What's happened?" She runs over to me and pulls me up off the bed so I can hug her "Wanda its Bucky.. he's here" I look around but can't see any sign of him, the window is shut and locked and nothing has been disturbed or moved. "Em there is nobody here.. it's just you" I don't remember falling asleep but I could have sworn it was him and he was here. I bring my hand up to my neck and feel to see if there would be any soreness, scrunching my eyebrows together and feeling there isn't any sign of any sort of struggling or pressure. "I could have sworn he was here" she helps me back into bed and sits on the bottom looking up at me "it must have been a dream, that's natural given the circumstances and what's happened, I should really go and get Steve though, he told me to wake him up if anything happened" she looks towards the door then back to me and instantly I sit up "No! I mean... please don't I don't want to worry him over a dream, I'll be alright I just need to rest, it's because my mind hasn't had time to rest and process everything that I'm starting to hallucinate, I'll be fine after some rest" she doesn't seem too convinced but agrees nonetheless and leaves, shutting the door behind her. I'm still a bit shaken up but it's almost as if the exhaustion takes over and I finally get to go to sleep.
I'm glad when I wake up that nobody had disturbed me in the night, be it any of the avengers or anyone in my figment of my imagination. I get up and make my way to the bathroom, after using the toilet and washing my hands and brushing my teeth I decide it's time to get dressed and go downstairs. I just put on a pair of grey jogging bottoms and a baggy hoodie and make my way towards the kitchen. When I finally make it to the kitchen I grab an apple and pour some orange juice into a glass, when Steve comes in "hey Em, how's things? Did you sleep alright?" I take a bite of the apple and chew slowly trying to figure out how to answer that question. "Hi Steve I'm alright and I slept surprisingly well thank you, how did you sleep?" He smiles and nods his head so I know he was in the same boat as me. "Look Steve I just want to figure out a plan to get Bucky, I can't be wondering when he is next going to come for me, even with the training I'd still be no match for him" he didn't have to look at me when he spoke but I knew he held the same expression when he answered me,

"I know.. we will get him and bring him home"

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