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After a long night of listening to Wanda entertaining Vision and by the sounds of it, him entertaining her just as much, I finally decided it was time to get up and meet the others. Deciding to wear a pair of black yoga trousers and a loose fitting top. I grab on a pair of trainers and make my way towards the lift, realising that Wanda is stood there waiting for it already. "So... did you have a good night last night?" I ask, looking straight forward, the smirk that moves it's way onto my face says it all. "Well I went up to my room and went straight to sleep if that's what you mean?" She turns to me, the cheek of her to act so nonchalant about the whole thing! As soon as she sees my smirk and my eyebrows raise its as if she knows she has been caught, her head falls down and a bright red shade seems to cover her face. "Omg Em I'm so sorry, I didn't think anyone could hear us.. please don't say anything to anyone. It was a one time thing and I don't want people knowing and making it awkward for me" by this point she is practically begging me, not that I would have gone to say anything to anyone but it's nice that she wants to entrust me with her secret. "Look, Wanda this is your home not mine, it's not my place to tell other people's business even if I wanted to" a huge sigh of relief leaves her mouth as the lift comes to a stop at our floor, as the doors open I notice two figures standing in the lift, Steve being one and Vision being the other. His face remained neutral whereas Wandas face only gave away their previous nights antics. "Good morning Emma, morning Wanda" Vision spoke, a soft smile on his face, I smiled back and offered a good morning back to him along with a good morning to Steve, who by the looks of things remained clueless to the awkward atmosphere. "So Steve what's on the agenda for today then? Are we training as usual or has something happened in the last few hours we should know about?" Wanda asks, turning to face both Steve and Vision as the lift continues down. "We need to get everyone together today, there is a fight coming and we need to assemble everyone we've got. I've made a few calls and asked for a few familiar faces to help join the fight. They should be arriving soon" the atmosphere changes from awkward to uneasy as the lift comes to a stop. The four of us step out and make our way into the large living room, where the others had joined us. There were a few new faces I had recognised from TV articles and from the front pages of magazines. "Great, now that everyone is here I want to introduce you to Emma. She is going to be staying with us for the next few days in order to gain a low profile. Emma this is Bruce, and Scott Lang as well as Clint and Thor." Tony made the introductions as the guys mumbled a hello towards me, I must say that everyone in the room was absolutely beautiful even the women were gorgeous. Having so many people in the room and having them know each other made me feel extremely out of place and uncomfortable. I know they were all there to protect me and look out for me but I had never been around so many attractive people all with the abilities that they had in one room. I made my way to the back of the room and sat on an empty chair next to Nat and Thor. I sat down and looked towards Tony, waiting for him to give the orders out on what everyone needed to do today. "We have had reports of some big ass machine entering our atmosphere this morning, Friday picked up on a signature this morning and it's coming in hot and fast. I need everyone out there with me. Vision and Wanda I need you guys to stay here and hold down the fort here, keep anything that comes near you out. Emma I want you to stay here, this is a fight that you don't need to be involved in. We need you here just incase there are any injuries, is everyone clear on what they need to do?" He asked, taking a moment to look at everyone in the room, with nods and a few 'yes' and 'yeah' being heard Tony stood up and took a breath "Alright, suit up" he called, already walking out the door. It didn't take long before everyone was up and out of their seats, running around trying to gather everything they needed for the battle. It had taken no more than 15 minutes before everyone was suited up, there were guns strapped to people's legs and shields on people's back, not to mention the arrows and hammers they had. Tony was the last to suit up, he turned back to face everyone before wishing them luck. The next thing I knew, his suit encased him and he flew from the open door leading to the helipad. The others climbed into the helicopter and took off, following after Tony.
I tried to distract myself with getting the supplies ready for their arrival but I couldn't concentrate knowing they were out there. As I walked into the living room I could hear the TV playing, it looked like a news station was on, I'm not one for news channels however this one seemed to be covering live footage of the battle. The woman appeared on the screen to announce what was happening before it shot back to the huge aircraft. "Our breaking news headline today, a large aircraft had been spotted over Washington DC this morning. Reports are coming in that the craft has now landed, alien like creatures are swarming the skies, we are being urged to stay indoors and to arm yourselves with whatever you can.. oh hold on I'm getting a new report.. it looks like the Avengers have just landed on scene! We'll head back to them now" the camera moved from the war craft to the avengers. They stood together as one as they looked to the skies, studying the machines and the creatures crawling out of it. I could see Steve calling out a few orders before everyone snapped into gear. Bruce must have channeled his anger as the loveable guy started to change into the green giant we know as the Hulk. Once fully changed he began to rip through the street, crushing anyone in his path. It was Clint who began to attack next, staying hidden and low to the ground, the perfect way to make his shot. He fired multiple arrows at the creatures, all of them hitting the target, and all of the targets falling from the buildings they had been using to climb across. Steve, as expected, began throwing his shield at them, using more of his upper body strength to punch his way through. If I hadn't of been so concerned with their well-being I would have found him very attractive at that moment of time. Nat jumped into action as she began to run at the creatures, jumping onto them and pulling out the guns she had attached to the side of her thighs, shooting at anything that came towards her. The whole team looked so in sync as they continued to fight again whatever these things were. Knowing that I couldn't sit still and wait for something to happen, I left the tv on and turned up the volume so I could hear it from the kitchen. It was when I walked into the kitchen that I could see Vision cooking up something. "Hi Vision, I don't think we've had a chance to get to know each other yet but I'm Emma" I smiled, extending my hand for him to shake, he looked between my hand and his before placing his palm into mine and shaking. "Hello Emma it's lovely to finally meet you, please feel free to relax around the bunker, well.. relax as much as you can" he looked up at me and smiled before going back to cooking, the smell finally hitting me and making my stomach rumble. I walked towards the fridge to pull out the bottle of filtered water and pour it into the glass when I heard Wanda coming into the kitchen "that smells delicious, wait is that..?" She trailed off, peering into the pan that Vision had been cooking with "yeah it is, I noticed that you had been feeling very down lately so I wanted to do something for you to try and cheer you up" he invited her to help him spice the dish to her liking as they made themselves busy in the kitchen. I took this as my queue to leave them to it, the last thing they needed was me hanging around them acting like a third wheel.. plus they have a few things they need to discuss from the other day. Settling back onto the settee I continue to watch as the guys battle the creatures, there were gun shots being fired from all different directions, and for a while it looked like we were wining. That was until one of the creatures snuck up behind Steve and bit down onto his shoulder, his cry out in pain the only thing I could hear. Without wasting any time I run down towards the stairs and take the two flights up towards the medical unit. I start to gather everything I'll need in order to treat and clean Steve when he returned. Not knowing how long I had been there for, I could hear a lot of commotion in the hallway, coming from the lifts. It started as a quiet noise but quickly turned into screams coming from multiple people. I run towards the door when I see that the guys are back. "Emma we need your help! Nat was shot in the right shoulder and has lost a lot of blood and Steve has been bitten on his left shoulder." Clint began to shout out as Thor and Bruce brought Steve to me, Tony helping Nat into the room as well. "Right I need Thor and Bruce to clear that bed there and lay Steve on his front, I need you to take his shirt off and pour the alcohol rub onto the wound. Tony I need you to sit Nat in the chair and grab me some gauze and the antiseptic cream. Nat I need you to hold still, I'm going to pull the bullet out and clean it ok?" She nodded as she grabbed ahold of the arm rest on the chair. I made quick work in using the forceps to grab ahold of the bullet and pull it out, careful not to hit any nerves or veins while removing. Tony had brought me the cream as I coated the wound to make sure it didn't become infected. I wrap up the wound in the gauze and run over to Steve. The guys have already poured the alcohol over his bite, ready for me to dress it. "Steve, this might hurt but I need to use this cream to stop it getting infected. I'll need to redress this everyday but like I said it might hurt" he reached out and grabbed ahold of my arm, squeezing slightly to let me know it was ok and he was alright. I used a cotton bud to apply the cream into the marks of the bite as Steve flinches. I peel off the dressing off the protective cover and stick it onto his back, carefully pressing the corners down onto his skin making sure it sticks. "Thanks Em" he looked at me and managed a smile, before sitting up, the pain was obvious on his face. "Maybe it's a good thing that you have to stick around here with us" Nat called, shrugging back on her top, making her way towards us. "So it's settled, we rest for today but get back to it tomorrow.. oh and Emma congratulations you've been promoted to our in-house nurse and head operator, we could do with your medical opinion when we get out there" Tony spoke before he made his way out the room, calling out to Friday.

Nurse حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن