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I couldn't actually believe it last night when I had gone to bed. But here I was, dressed in my training gear waiting for Steve to show me what to do. You could tell that this wasn't something he wanted to be apart of but given the circumstances and everything we had been through I think it was safe to say that he knew he needed to teach me something, even if it was only how to defend myself. He pulled across the floor a giant punching bag before connecting it to the hook that was attached to the ceiling by a rope. "There are gloves over on the table, I though we could start with a few stretches and a simple warm up before we begin" he said as he began to pull on a pair of gloves of his own. As soon as I had my gloves on, I made my way back to Steve in the middle of the training room. He looked at the gloves to make sure that they are strapped up in the correct way before moving his feet apart, giving him enough space to move. "Right, what I need you to do is copy my movements. This is going to be our stretches and warm up before we train, we have to warm your muscles up otherwise.. well you're the nurse I'm sure you know what happens when you don't complete your warm up" he smiled, seeming to be slightly nervous, which was a massive relief to me as I thought I was the only one.
He started off by bringing his left foot forward and bending from the hips, keeping his back flat. He lowered himself down until he had stretched  the back of his leg. His hands were resting on his upper thighs to give his back more support. He held this for 15 to 30 seconds and then switch sides, repeating his actions. I followed his movements to stretch out my hamstrings, feeling the muscles working, Steve then moved onto stretching out his shoulders and chest. He stood tall and clasp his hands together behind his back, keeping his arms straight. He then lifted his hands towards the ceiling, going only as high as he was comfortable which was quite high. He held this for 15 to 30 seconds, and then looked at me to copy him. Once in position I tried to move my arms but my shoulders were incredibly tight. "It's too painful to stretch that out.. I can't do it." I sighed letting my arms hand down the side of me. Steve smiled and came and stood behind me, he placed his hands on the top of my shoulders and slowly dragged his hands down my arms until he reached my own hands. He interlaced his fingers with mine and moved them behind me, more spread out sort of like an airplane. He left go of my hands and pushed my back down, so I was practically bend over in front of him. My cheeks flushed pink and I think he realised what he did when he cleared his throat and stepped away from me. "Right ok I think we are plenty warmed up, let's get onto the training side of things" He demonstrated how to stand and how to avoid and correctly move away before he stood in front of me, a smirk on his face that showed me just how easy he thought I would be. He lunged forward, quickly sprinting towards me and coming closer, then with his left arm he jabbed out his hand in attempt to jab me, but my reflex kicked in surprising not only myself but Steve as well as I ducked forward, trying to knock him off his feet by going for his legs. Steve noticed this at the last second and only got away with a small, shove as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of him on the ground, rolling both of us over so I was trapped underneath him. "I'm impressed with your effort but you're going to have to do better than that if you want to beat me" I smirked up at him as I caught him off guard and brought my knee up to his thigh, knocking him unsteady so I could push myself on top of him, making sure to look in his eyes "well if that's the case then don't hold back" I pull myself off him and dust off my trousers before standing to face him again. He sprinted at me again, but his time I just raised my arms and our two arms hit against each other, causing us both to move backwards. The weight of me succeeding was dragging me down, but I knew I had to prove to not only Steve but to myself that I could do this, and so I soon recovered and pushed back hard. He is very strong, which meant that I jumped back and ran forward with my arm covering my face. I attempted to grab at his arm, but he tucked his shoulders back and grabbed me by my stomach. "Shit! That's it Steve" I snarled, jumping back to recover. We both were taking this as serious as possible as we both knew what would happen if Bucky got ahold of me again and if I wasn't completely ready. I stood looking at him, panting, waiting for him to make a move, and when I seen he was waiting for me to come to him I dashed forward, grabbing his shoulders and using them to pull myself up, swinging my legs around his shoulders. I tried to let myself fall back with my legs still wrapped around his head but he managed to pull his head through my thighs and push me onto the crash mat. Blood splattered from my nose and he rushed down to look at my face, he looked so pained and I knew he felt guilty for making my nose bleed, I looked at him and swung my fist into the side of his face, causing his head to snap to the side, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked down to see the blood. I smiled at him as he looked at me in shock "now we're even, besides I need to train this way if I'm ever going to have a chance of beating Bucky if the worst were to happen" He nodded his head and stood back up, as I stood up we both circled each other, you could cut the tension with a knife. Steve darted towards me, but both of our attacks were beginning to weaken, so I adjusted my grip on my boxing gloves, ready for him when he used his gloves to catch me in my ribs. I slammed my fist right into the side of his back, then used the palm of my hand in an uppercut under his chin. I grabbed his chin and forced his head back, intending to sweep his legs out from beneath him while forcing his head back. He looked at me in shock and if I'm honest I'm just as shocked as he was, it's as if I know exactly what to do and exactly how to dodge and attack. His fist smashed against my shoulder with brute force, numbing my arm for a moment and giving Steve the chance to remove my hand from under his chin. I quickly glanced back to see him ducking ready to trip me. I jumped away, but to no avail. His hand grasped my ankle and he pulled me down, not before I swung my foot out and caught him, his large frame tumbling down to the ground not before I landed on my feet and stood up. "Damn...you really got me there." He said, panting. "I guess I'll have to take you seriously. Enough holding back." He came towards me again but I managed to move out of the way and jump onto his back, knocking him down to the ground onto his front. I bring my lips up closer to his as I whisper "1..2..3 you tap out Cap" I can't help but smirk as I get up and make my way out of the training room, I get to the lift and step inside, my mind is racing as I get into my bedroom and collapse onto the bed. I'm so happy I managed to get one up on Steve but also I've realised just how dangerous and how hard it's going to be when the opponent is actually trying to kill me.

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