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As I lay there, I realised that I had been gone for a few days, since that awful experience with Steve and Bucky, I wasn't sure how long it was that I had been missing. Had anyone come to look for me? Had there been anyone trying to fight for me or anyone who was even concerned that I had been taken by a guy who was trying to kill the Avengers. I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my cheeks as I waited for sunrise. I was staring at the clock, watching the time just tick away..







It got to about 10am before somebody came in. There was a new doctor, he was dressed in black scrubs and adorned a white coat with a plastic apron on. He went straight for Bucky, he started by unhooking all the machines from him, making sure to keep Bucky 'agreeable' he injected a blue liquid into the base of his neck, Bucky didn't even twitch as the liquid spread throughout his body- it made me think just how many times had they done this to him for him to become so used to it? The doctor started to tap things into the monitor before he spoke into the intercom asking for a Dr.Zola to come into the Winter Soliders room. I wasn't sure who or what that meant but it wasn't something I wanted to figure out. Before the Dr came into the room a woman came in through the double doors, she held a tray that had a single piece of toast and a glass of water, she set it on the bed next to me and pointed at it. "Is that meant for me?" I asked, the disbelief prominent in my tone- judging by her face which hadn't changed its expression and the fact that her finger was still pointing towards the tray I assumed she didn't speak any english... that or she didn't want to speak to me. Without any further questions I brought the toast to my mouth and started eating, it was stale and plain but I was glad to get something in my system, who knows how long I would have been able to survive without any food. I had just finished the piece of toast and the small glass of water before the tray was snatched from my hands, the woman who had brought them in collected her things and made her way back out the door. We were left alone for a while before I heard a noise coming from the centre of the room, where Bucky was sat. "Go" he whispered, keeping his head and eyes locked down onto the ground, he sounded completely exhausted and didn't or more like couldn't move his body to face me.
I looked between the broken man in front of me and the chains that were holding my legs into place trying to figure out a way to break free. Much to my disappointment the doors swung open again, revealing a guy, who was shorter than most and wore a lab coat, his hair was a fine blonde, almost like straw. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he got to work with the paperwork that was scattered across a metal desk, situated behind Bucky. He sat there for awhile, scribbling down different notes until he made a grunt, his face screwing into itself as he pushed the paper onto the floor. My eyes stayed on the pieces as they fell, noticing where they landed but more importantly trying to read what was on them, hoping to find something that I could use to get me out of here, something to use against this guy, or even something to use against Bucky.. anything would have helped me. What I didn't realise is that while I was studying these pieces oh so carefully the guy in the lab coat had moved in front of me, his foot stamping down onto the paper I was currently memorising. "Who are you? And more importantly why are you here?" He asked his accent so thick it took me a second to figure out what it was he actually said. "I don't know, he brought me here.. I just want to go home" the words didn't sound like they belonged to me as I muttered them. He stared at me for a few minutes before a sinister smile crept onto his face, he knelt down in front of me and removed the restraints from my ankle, as he removed them, I could hear that he was speaking a different language, not caring what he was saying as soon as he stood up I managed to stand onto my feet- looking between him and the door. It was then that I heard Bucky speak in the same language as who I've now come to assume is Dr.Zola, his eyes snapped straight to mine as he sat there, waiting to be untied. "If he brought you here then he can have whatever fun he wants with you" and with that he left. Bucky got up and walked towards me, backing me into the corner of the bed, his hands wrapped around my ankles as he pulled me to him. "You think that smart mouth of yours is going to save you? Quite the opposite, it's going to be your destruction" he pulled apart my legs and crawled up the bed, positioning himself on top of me, even through his trousers I could feel him. "Please don't.. just let me go, I know you don't want this" tears started to run down my face as he run his fingers up my leg and pushed his hand in the top of my scrubs, pulling my underwear to one side and running his fingers over me, I started to scream and move around when I brought my knee up and caught him "you fucking stupid bitch" he yelled and due to the force I used I rolled him off me, it was then that I heard the sound on the intercom come through the room "kill her" the doctor spoke, I didn't know if  Bucky would act upon this but when I noticed his hands clasping closed and him slowly rising to his feet I knew I didn't want to stay around to find out. Before Bucky was fully got up to his feet from the bed I had managed to run to the door, praying that the doctor had left it open. I pushed onto the large rusted gold handle, with some resistance the door finally swung open. My feet seemed to have a mind of their own and they continued to carry my body down the hallway, people were looking at me and some were even laughing.. but what's most confusing is that none of them actually attacked me, no guns were pointed at me.. it seemed as though no one cared if I was here or not. As I ran down the corridor I came to a set of doors, there was natural light coming from behind them so I figured that was the best option.
It was only when I stepped outside onto a concrete path that I heard a lot of commotion from behind me, without even turning around I knew who it was.
His face was covered and the gun he held up towards me shone more than his metal arm did. Knowing if I ran he would shoot me I decided to walk towards him, other than his eyebrows raising slightly he never moved. "Please don't do this, this isn't you. I have read about what you and Steve did for us and this is not the man who inspired me to become a nurse" I reached him standing a few inches away from him as he clicked the gun. Closing my eyes I tried to remember anything from the fight that day that would help me now.. until it clicked.

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. You were born on the 10th of March 1917. You were fighting a war that should never have been and that's how you ended up as 'the winter soldier' but that's not who you are"

My attempt was desperate as I tried to throw him off what his initial mission was. He stumbled back, grabbing each side of his head as he dropped the gun, my arms shot out in front of me as bent down, picking up the gun and taking a few steps back. He didn't move when I clicked the bullets out from the gun itself, much less did he move when I threw it into the forest area next to us. Knowing I had little time to get out of there I turned my back on Bucky and ran as fast as I could down this path, not daring to look back.

I managed to get to a main road where I tried to look for some sort of sign to indicate where I was. Realising I didn't know where I was I decided to go into a local cafe to ask for some directions. The man behind the counter looked as though he had seen better days. His stomach was poking out of his jeans and judging by the way he moved his top didn't fit him either. He had a beard that had bits of food and god knows what else in there but every time he scratched by his lips, you could count on flakes falling onto the counter. I cautiously made my way to the till just as he turned the tv on, a news station was on. "Hello sir, do you where I could find a pay phone please?" He looked at me up and down before shouting at me, telling me that he didn't speak to rough breads like me and to piss off. As I was about to demand he get some respect the woman on the Tv started talking " in other news,  Emma Thomas the 23 year old woman who was last seen under the bridge where Captain American and the Winter Soldier were fighting has still not been found. Now 3 weeks after her disappearance, the police have decided to shut the case down. Reports say that her family and friends will never give up the search for her and urge anyone with any information to call this number on the screen. Family have also contacted Captain America to help them as they say he was the one who was supposed to protect her. Now today's weather is looking rather meek.."

She trailed off, my mind not being able to process all of that information at once. I had been missing for three weeks and my family have turned to the avengers to help find me. The guy behind the till looked between the tv and me before he pulled out a phone from behind the counter.. prick. Instead of handing the phone to me he dialled a number and spoke into the phone mumbling his words I managed to catch snip bits of his conversation "Emma Thomas... here... Jolly Juice... Mr America" not wanting the attention of everyone I collected my thoughts and tried to make my way out of the cafe, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, they were pinching the nerves in my neck making it very difficult for me to move, much less to run away as I had intended. With his grip still firmly on my shoulder he walked me into the back room, passed the seating area and into a small cupboard. There were brooms and a bucket of dirty water with a mop left to soak and above the floor were shelves filled with dirty rags and toilet rolls. He pushed me into the cupboard and told me to stay as Mr America was coming. Before I could ask him what the hell was going on he slammed the door shut, a faint clicking sound was heard as he walked away, locking me into this filthy room.
I don't know how long I was stuck in that room for but when I heard that familiar voice followed by the clicking of the door, I stood to my feet, ready to make my second escape of the day. The door swung open and without taking a look who was standing there I charged forward, ready to break out of this place when a pair of arms grabbed ahold of me, pulling me backwards and pulling me to a wall. My eyes involuntarily closed as I waited for some kind of impact, assuming that that's what these people were like. "Miss Thomas, you can open your eyes now, I'm not going to hurt you... in fact I'm here to take you home" not wanting to believe him I brought my knee out in front of me and caught the guy perfectly, still not looking as to who he was I pushed past everyone in the cafe and ran outside, only to bump into someone. I stumbled backwards and this time brought my gaze up to meet his. I looked between him and the guy who I had attacked in the cafe before realising what I had done.

"You must be Miss Thomas, I'm Steve Rogers and this is Sam, who by the looks of things you've already met"

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