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Today was the day that we had all been waiting for, and in my case the day I had been dreading. Today was that day that we were going to finally put the plan into action and get Bucky. All of yesterday and most of this week we had been going through the plan, Steve wanted to make sure that everything went as smooth as possible. To make sure everyone was kept as safe as possible, everyone was given an ear piece and a camera so that those back at the bunker would be able to see and hear what was going on. I knew I didn't want to be apart of this but I knew that I couldn't sit in my room and wait for them to come back, I was going to sit in the main operation room and lend my skills by checking the teams vitals and making sure their health levels don't drop too drastically. It was almost time for us to get started with the mission and to say I was nervous was putting it lightly. Before they all left I made sure to conduct a full medical examination just to make sure they were all fit and healthy. "I'll be here watching you through the suit cameras and also listening in through the comms invade you need anything.. good luck" with that they all leave. I feel physically sick waiting to see him on the little screens, I haven't seen him since he shot me and if I'm honest I don't want to see him any time soon. I keep watching as I see them all get out of the cars and begin to look around the market to see if they can see him, I look over to Steve's camera when I see him entering a house, he looks around the room before moving over to the fridge, picking up a worn book. He opens up the book and flicks through the pages when he comes across a photo, the camera angle isn't positioned the best so I can't make out who the person is. "Cap vitals are looking good, special courses have arrived" I advise him and he quickly replies with "understood" he suddenly turns around when the camera comes face to face with Bucky. He's wearing a burgundy top with a black jacket and he had a black baseball cap on. It takes them both a few seconds before Steve speaks. "You know me?" He asks, Bucky looks at him for a further few moments when he answers, the second I hear his voice it sends a chill down my spine and goosebumps over my body "you're Steve... I read about you in a museum" he seems really confused and in a daze and he makes eye contact with Steve again. Steve places the book down on the counter top and slowly steps forward "I know you're nervous, you have plenty of reason to be but you're lying" he doesn't even flinch as he continues to walk towards him. Bucky then speaks up "I wasn't in Vienna, I don't do that anymore" I have no idea what they are talking about, I didn't even know anything had happened in Vienna. It then clicked, Steve had been tracking him for weeks and hadn't told me or the team anything, he knew there would be objections to him finding Bucky, but also he used this so called 'rescue' mission to talk to him and distract the others so he could get to Bucky first. "Well the people who think you did are coming here now and I'm planning on taking you out here alive" Bucky smirks slightly and then answers "that's smart... good strategy" I can see on the camera Bucky starting to pace and Steve tries to reassure him "this doesn't have to end in a fight Buck" he looks down and for a split second I actually feel sorry for him, and it was really upsetting when he mumbled "it always ends in a fight" I can hear the German police force announce that they would be storming the room in 5 seconds as Steve frantically states "you pulled me from the river..why?" This must have been before I was caught up with them.. so he must have known there was a possibility he was alive, Bucky pulled his glove off to reveal his metal hand, he looks back at Steve and answers "I don't know" this answer isn't good enough for Steve as he presses on "yes you do" it's then when a grenade flies in through the window directly at the two of them, Steve uses his shield to hit it out of his way as Bucky kicked another to Steve for him to use his shield to cover them from the blow. Bullets are flying in through the window when Bucky lifts up his mattress to protect himself with, there is a lot of commotion outside the door as Bucky throws a table to try and buy himself more time. Two police men manage to get in through the window and it doesn't take much force from Bucky to knock him down, the other tries to shoot Bucky but Steve moves the rug he is standing on which causes him to loose balance and shoot up to the ceiling. Bucky then moves towards a door when Steve tries to grab ahold of him "Bucky stop!" He shouts as he twists Bucky to face him he looks at him as Steve rushes to get his sentence out "you're going to kill someone" Bucky grabs ahold of Steve and pushes him down to the floor, using his metal hand he punches next to Steve's head, I can't see from the camera what he's grabbing but I hear him when he says "I'm not going to kill anyone" it's only them does he stand up and throw something out of the window, there are bullets being shot towards them so Bucky pulled Steve up to use his shield to protect himself and then pushed Steve towards a guy who was stood on the balcony shooting at them. The camera is broken by the impact so I can't see what's going on anymore "Steve... Steve... captain?" When I don't get a response I get in touch with the others to let them know what's happening "I am the closest to them. I will go and get him" T'Challa speaks to me through his comms and then starts to make his way up to a building. He runs across the building too before jumping to the next, and that's when I catch sight of Bucky running across the building top. They begin to fight each other when I see Steve running across towards them. There are bullets flying towards them from a police helicopter so I radio Sam. "Sam" I start but he's already pushing the helicopter out of their way. Bucky manages to slip through T'Challa and runs across the building top, jumping over the side, T'Challa runs after him and slides down the side of the building before he chases him to the tunnel with oncoming traffic. Bucky can be seen in the camera weaving and dodging traffic as T'Challa and Steve chase him through the traffic, Bucky keeps running until he sees someone with a motorcycle coming towards him. He knocks the guy off his bike and swings the bike around, swinging his legs over the bike, Steve and T'Challa have now obtained a car and are following in persist of him, that is until Bucky throws a grenade up onto the wall, which then blows, causing Steve to come to an abrupt stop, sending T'Challa straight towards Bucky. It's only by a slight chance that his metal claw manages to poke a hole into Bucky's tire, sending the two of them across the road, the bike skidding off into the distance in front of them. That's when the rest of the team all arrive and take Bucky into their custody ready for questioning. "Good job guys, now get back to base so I can assess all of you" a sigh of relief leaves my mouth as I know it's over and we have him.

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