Coffee and Strangers

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As much as Mathias loved riding his bike places and saving energy during summer, spring, and fall, it was when winters like this made him regret his lack of licence. Rubbing his arms, he bounced in place as he waited for the next bus to come. It had been snowing almost all night, but that morning was still bright. Probably due to how early the frost had came that year, meaning Mathias was also squinting against the reflection of the snow.The crunch of snow to his right led him to glance over curiously.

"Long time, no see!" Mathias joked when he saw Sigve standing there, seeming unaffected by the cold. No red cheeks or rubbing his hands for warmth. Sigve quirked an eyebrow and responded, "We saw each other yesterday."

"Heh, yesterday. Seems like forever," Mathias grinned, faltering as he remembered the odd dream. The slight tilt of his head Sigve did encouraged him to continue the conversation. "So what are your plans for today?"

"I'm going to get some coffee and then spend the day at the library." Sigve seemed to relax as he remembered how his day would go. "And how will yours be spent?"

"I was just going to buy some cleaning supplies... But hey, would you like to get coffee together? Maybe we could stop and try that lemon cake I suggested." Mathias glanced away quickly, then back to Sigve. The other seemed to think it over before smiling coyly. "I think I can tolerate that for a bit."

The bus came and they bought their passes, walking quickly and quietly to sit together, Sigve sitting by the window. Watching the passing birds sing before he turned his attention back to Mathias. "What do you do?"

"L- Like my job?"


"I work on trading ships! Mostly keeping track of merchandise and stuff like that. Where do you work?" He watched Sigve pause for a moment, then shrug.

"Just, traveling for people..."

"Huh?" Sigve gave him a vague shrug and looked out the window again.

"How come you aren't sailing right now?"

Mathias hummed. "I get about a week inbetween trips to rest, thiugh they can be shorter depending on how long each trip is."

"So you leave next week?"

"Yeah, pretty much!"

Sigve pulled the cord and the bus slowed to a stop. Mathias got up, leading the way off, "You come here often then?"

"Ever since I came here." Sigve tipped his head in the other direction and Mathias followed his lead. The coffee shop was wedged between two larger buildings, a bit more hidden but Mathias was still surprised he had never noticed it before. The muted blue and whites seemed to differentiate it from the other brightly colored buildings and the welcoming smells should have brought in plenty of customers. Though it had many people inside, no one walking by even spared the place even a fleeting look. Sigve walked in quietly while Mathias binked in surprise at how pleasant the doorbell's ring sounded, more used to them being annoying.

There was soft and chilling music playing in the background, he wasn't sure he recognized any of the tunes. The people inside didn't even acknowledge them entering, instead continuing their quiet conversations and occasional giggling. It was only when Sigve and Mathias went to order that the Dane felt eyes on his back giving him shivers. The air felt tingly but the smells kept him relaxed.

"Nice to see you, Sigve," The woman at the counter said her icy gaze raking over Mathias. He nodded in response and said, "The usual, and the same for him."

Something about the exchange had Mathias tense, and he noticed a small detail. That none of the workers had a name tag. "What did you order us?"

"Something sweet." He gestured Mathias to come sit and wait with him.

"So do you know her or..?"

"We grew up together."

"But I thought you were new here."

"I am." Mathias frowned, but didn't try anymore prying. Their drinks were placed in front of them and Mathias watched in bewilderment as Sigve paid the woman in several silver coins. Not change, actual what must have been old coins.

"Would you like the extra for your..." She looked to be glaring at him over her glasses, "Friend?"

"No thank you. That's all." Sigve waved her off and she left.

"What's the extra?"

"It's just a little trick of hers." Mathias really was starting to wonder what he had gotten into. This Sigve guy was so peculiar, and so was his friend. That's probably why Mathias was getting such strange dreams and bursts of memories. Or maybe he was just looking too far into things. They might just be odd people raised somewhere else with a different way of interacting, besides he enjoyed this stranger's company so far. The conversation lulled to a stop as they quietly enjoyed their drinks. Though Mathias started it up again after a few minutes.

"So what do you like to read?" Sigve answered without hesitation.

"Anything and everything... Mostly nonfiction."

"Really? I prefer fantasy- like swords and stuff with dragons and witches!" Mathias watched him curiously. Sigve smiled a bit. "I already get enough of that."

"Are you implying you're a witch?" Mathias teased, "But you're a guy."

At that Sigve rolled his eyes. "Witches work with healing herbs and spirits, anyone can be a witch."

"So you are one!" Mathias smirked.

"Maybe so." Sigve chuckled.

"I'd totally believe it!" He said, blushing when he made eye contact. "That would explain a lot actually..."

"Like what?" He raised an eyebrow. Mathias paused, thinking if he should mention the dream. Then thiught better of it because that would be weird. "How we keep running into each other! Speaking of that- can I have your phone number?"

"I don't have a phone."

"You don't..? Alright- uh-"

"How about we meet at the library tomorrow? Does noon work for you?" Sigve asked as he stood up, buttoning his coat again.

"Oh- uh, sure..? Maybe I can take you on a tour of the boardwalk after, it's better in the summer obviously but I think you'll like it-" he was cut off.

"You better dress warm then," Sigve teased lightly and before the Dane knew it he was gone. Despite having spent almost two hours with the guy, Mathias felt he barely learnt anything about him. With a deep sigh he begrugingly got up to continue with his original plans for the day. Catching one last glimpse at the empty mug Sigve had left behind.

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