30, Flirty and Dying?

Start from the beginning

I hmmed, nodding my head. "I see what you're saying, but all in all we are all educators at the end of the day. The need to pull a student out they're usual norm to teach them is the reason why I became a tecaher in the first place. Having a tendency or mentality that thinking that students aren't receptive of learning or don't want to is false. It's more so who is teaching them--or should I say the educator who is the one at blame. But, everyone is entitled to their own opinion."I finished off.

  If someone would have told me I was going to be a teacher while in my young age, I would've laughed in their face.

  But, I'm just blessed that I am one--I'm glad I reached the young minds I could. Some I mentor other I advocated for. My passion for being a teacher came from not having anybody, not damn soul to push me like I should have.

  Luckily for me, I was naturally smart but others who walked in my shoes or even worst don't have the will power to get their education, that doesn't mean they don't what to learn.

  That's exactly why I'm a teacher, because of people who make perception like that.

  "Ay ay we here let's leave this converstaion for later."Viv spoke sensing my attitude oozing out a bit.

  I sighed, chuckling a little. "Let's."I said, getting out of the car.

  Raymen held my hand while we all walked to the line.

  Kissing my cheek, "You know you're such a beautiful person inside and outside."he whispered in my ear, while holding me.

   I gazed up at him, smiling like a fat kid eating cake.

  It's like he knows the right things to say that instantly makes my mood better.

  "Thank you baby,"I pouted a bit kissing his chin.

      "Next in line,"we heard the bouncer yell.

  We all walked up and he immediately let us in.

  We were currently at a club called XS, supposedly it's the hottest and classiest club in Vegas.

  Glad we order a booth ahead if time, since it was backed like stuff sardines.

Making it to our section it was pretty large and had a lot space.

  The cocktail went around asking for our order.

  "We'll definitely take 16 shots, and I'll take a sex on the beach."Trinity said loudly so she can hear.

  My eyes bucked out, "16 shots, I'm confused who is drinking that."I voiced in general.

  Once it was my turn to order,"Ill have a--" I was cut off by everyone's voice.

   "Berry vodka cocktail."they finished.

  I laughed, "Nah y'all really trying to play me like I'm predictable, matter of fact let me get a Rum and coke please and thank you."I told her, while everyone else laughed.

What can I say I'm a vodka type of girl. I just hope me dabbling in a different drink choice messes me up.

"I'll take as my baby,"Ray said after me.

   I leaned my head on his shoulder taking in the club scenery. The gold exterior and the huge water fountain.

  I watched Ian my eye contact with me, Tara, Trin, Ej and him sat across from us.

  "Look I didn't mean to offend earlier, it's we have two different view of the education system."he voiced.

I shrugged, not caring to continue this conversation. "Well that's true, but let's change the subject. What college did you go too?"I asked, curious.

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