"Oh my god, can you just fucking put it on?"

I laughed as I undressed, sucking in my stomach to fit into this stupid size 4 dress.

"Mia, my ass is literally gonna rip through this."

"That's why it looks so fucking good on you. If I had your ass I wouldn't know how to act."

I chuckled, looking at myself in the mirror. I guess I cleaned up nicely. Mia handed me some heels that went with the dress.

I began to put my hair up in the usual bun, but she sat me down.

"Nope. You're gonna leave it down," she moved my curls around so that they landed around my shoulders. "You look fucking hot."

I smiled as we began to get our stuff.

"I wish Frank wasn't working overtime tonight." I replied, thinking about how much I wanted him to be here.

"It's actually a good thing he isn't coming. He'd be totally against you hooking up with a stranger tonight."


Mia began to drive up to the hills, again to the wealthy side of LA.

It reminded me of Tyler.

"Oh my god, look at his fucking house. Can you believe his mom remarried that rich dentist? It's crazy."

"Maybe we should just marry some rich lawyer and never have to worry about anything again," I gazed at the flashing lights coming from inside it.

"Bitch, don't steal my plan."

We laughed as we got out of the car and made our way up to the house.

We got inside, the loud music blaring the fuck out of the speakers.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks!" I shouted over the music.

"Get me some too!"

I nodded as I went to the kitchen, looking through the assortment of alcohols. I rarely drank, but I was feeling like I had no choice. In a frat party like this? I kind of had to.

I poured a mixture of some drinks into a red cup before taking a shot of vodka.

"Oh shit! Is that Nadine?!" I turned around, Brandon smiling as he took the bottle from my hand.

"Surprisingly, it is."

"Who would've thought you'd be at my party like, ever?"

"You know I would never come to any of your parties by choice. Mia dragged me here."

He laughed, taking a swing of the bottle as he eyed me.

"You look good. Here," he held on to my chin as I put my head back. He poured some more vodka into my mouth as he watched.

I sealed my eyes shut as I felt it burn down my throat.

"I didn't know you had it in you," he smirked.

"Whatever. Give me that," I took the red cup from his hands as I made my way to Mia. She was talking to some girls.

Closer: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now