Los Santos (Ch.1)

Start from the beginning

Ï dug out my wallet and placed the ten dollars on her table. Giving her a six dollar tip. So she can leave me alone.

Bar: "Alright..."

I belch and downed my cheap beer. The barkeeper merely examines me for a moment as he looks over the cash, then finally pockets its.

Bar: "So... stranger, where are you from?"

Y/N: "New York."

She nods, taking notice of my biker jacket and oily jeans. Along with my bike boots.

Bar: "Liberty City?"

Y/N: "What gave it away?"

He shakes his head.

Bar: "Your baseball cap."

I chuckled pulling my cap off, my cap feeling my short hair that fingers run over. I looked so different now, it's kind of odd.

I studied my baseball cap for a moment, it said Liberty Swingers

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I studied my baseball cap for a moment, it said Liberty Swingers. One of the cities biggest teams around. I chuckled forgetting about the insignia on the cap or even wearing it.

Y/N: "Pretty obvious am I right?"

She nods pouring another customer a drink. The come back to me watching me, as her fingers tap the counter top.

Bar: "Are you some kind of gun for hire or something? Or do I need to call you a cab or something? What are you?"

I rock my head and pull out a business card that I used to use back in the city. A month ago.

Y/N: "I'm a mechanic."

She glances the business card over, as she reads it out.

Bar: "Former private security? Bartender? Builder? and Plumber?" She flips the card over and hands it back to you, as a few of the guest chuckle out. "Sonny if I learned anything over my years. There are two things I can spot a mile away. That's criminal and someone that's trying to be something he's or she is not."

I chuckle placing the card in my inner jacket pocket and look at her.

Y/N: "Believe what you want, I just want to get out of here."

Bar: "Oh... Then why aren't you?"

I groan knowing this will sound stupid.

Y/N: "My bike broke down."

The old lady breaks out laughing and along with another customer that sat at the counter.

Bar: "What kind of mechanic can't even fix his bike?"

Y/N: "The same that got his tires slashed. I'm having new tires put on now."

She still laughs at my expense.

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