CH.28 A Little Talk

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After we had cleaned the pee up and i had changed we had a snack and talked about was gonna happen. He told me that the 3 days reset and that we would do everything the same way we had been except for a minor change. He pulled something out that resembled a potty chart for toddlers. He said we would use it to keep track of my accidents and my times that i made it to pee. I said okay. After that we talked for a little bit. Mr. Fair also said that we could use all three methods that we had been using for me to communicate that i needed to pee. The first one being asking/telling him i need to go, the second running out the room and then telling him,and the third looking at my crotch. He told me to do whatever i felt i had the time to do. As soon as he finished that sentence i ran out of the classroom with both hands jammed in my crotch. I knew i had to go but i didnt know i needed to go this much. A couple spurts escaped, but i managed to make it to the toilet before i had an accident. As soon as u pulled my pants and underwear down a stream of pee shot out of me and into the toilet. I peed for 6 minutes straight. When i finally finished, i checked my pants and underwear. To my surprise they only had a little damp spot on my underwear but there was nothing on my pants. I happily headed back to Mr. Fair's room feeling very proud of myself. As i walked into the room he asked me i made it to the potty. I told him yes but barely. He then asked if i was dry and i told him yes except for the damp little spot. He said good job and he put a sticker on my potty chart. He said he knew i was getting the urge to go since it had been a couple hours since i had last pee, but that he didnt think the urge would be as strong as it was. I said yeah and i know. After that i told Mr. Fair that i needed to get home and he said okay. He then told me that the three days would reset tomorrow. I said okay and we walked out the hallway. But instead if following me, he went the opposite way. I was about ask when he must've read because he said ill be there in a minute, i really have to pee and if i try to hold it ill have an accident. I told him okay and inched closer to the door at the end of the hallway to wait for him. As he came out he told me that he never thought he could hold that much pee and that he felt immensely better. I asked if he was dry and he said not completely, a few spurts came out as i was walking to the bathroom. I said okay,thanked him for the spare clothes and help and began the walk home.

Author's Note: Wow 2 chapters in a day, im getting stuff done. I hope yall enjoy and ill update soon. Thanks guys.

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