CH.10 Mr. Fair's Second Accident

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7th period had just ended and the tardy bell had just wrang signaling the beginning of 8th period. I noticed that Mr. Fair was acting really fidgety and uncomfortable. I then saw him grab himself as tight as he could, and at the same time a pained expresseion came over his face and I realized that he needed to pee. At this same time i realized that my bladder was also full. I now realized that it was gonna be a few minutes till Mr. Fair could use the bathroom, so I decided to go so that i wouldn't have an accident. I stood up with both legs crossed and both of my hands jammed into my crotch. A spurt had escaped while I was pulling my pants down but thats all. I got the rest in toilet. I finished up,washed my hands, and headed back to the classroom. When I got back in my desk now fully relaxed and focused I notice Mr. Fair had stopped squirming. Then I realized why. He had another accident. His pants,his chair,and even the carpet around him was soaked. He grabbed another pull up and some pants and went to change. Though embarrased to have wet himself in front of his claas he looked comfortable after he went pee. Class continued on. When the bell rang he called me over and he told me he was glad I went to pee because he said it looked like I was about to cry. I told him that i was because thats how much I needed to go and that it felt so good to release it. He told me i didn't need to come to his classroom after social studies so i went straight home. After making a beeline for the bathroom after social studies, because as full as my bladder was, I wasn't going to make it home without having an accident.

Author's Note: Hope y'all. Are enjoying this book. Lots more chapters to come. Thanks for reading.

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