CH. 63 School

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So I just started a brand new year in high school.  10th grade! I am so excited. As I walk through the school doors I am greeted by my boyfriend and best friend as well as Mr. Fair. I tell them all hello and head to my first class of the day. As I get settled into my seat I fell a slight twinge in my bladder letting me know I need to pee. But since class just started I decided to hold it. I was sitting next to my boyfriend and paying attention to the rules if the new classroom. Throughout the class I felt my need to pee grow worse. I was starting to slightly fidget. I thought i was doing a good job hiding it until Andrew tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if need to pee. I told him no and focused my attention back to the teacher. A little while later i had both of my hands shoved into my crotch and i was bouncing my knees up and down. That's when Andrew looks at me and goes baby i know you need to pee so follow me and let's go. I sigh but say okay and get up to follow him. But it was too late. As soon as i stood up my bladder gave out and i started to pee in my diaper. I guess andrew noticed cause he told the teacher we were going to Mr. Fairs class so that I could change. When we reached his room Andrew went in to get him. A couple minutes later they both come out and Mr. Fair has a pullup in his hands. He hands it to me and tells me to go change. As I am changing I hear him tell Andrew to make me go to the bathroom every 30 minutes whether I think I have to go or not. Andrew agrees.  After I walk out if the bathroom they tell me what was gonna happen. I said okay and we headed back to class. 15 minutes later we are sitting in my next class and I get the feeling I need to pee again. I know i will go in 15 more minutes but i dont think i can wait that long. I tap Jacob on the shoulder and point to the door.  He follows me out and asks me what's wrong.  I tell him that I need to pee. He says okay and tells me to go. I run to the bathroom and pee.  Once I am done I wash my hands and join jackb back out into the hall. He tells me that he is proud of me for telling him I needed to go. I say thank you and we head back to class. The rest of the day was pretty smooth. No more accidents and I made it to the potty 4 more times.  Then it was time for me to go home so I started walking.

So I finally updated guys. Thanks so much. Love yall all so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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