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I always wondered what would happen after death. Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Will I just dream forever? Maybe I deserve it. Maybe I deserve to die. I've watched so many people die, so when will it be my turn.  I made a pact with my brother to protect people but I can't forgive myself. The feeling that this is all my fault still lingers in the air. Everything that's happened to me. Everything's that happened to my family. It's all my fault. My brothers tell me otherwise. They say it's not my fault the underworld was opened to release Satan himself. I know that part wasn't my fault. No, my family would have been safe if I hadn't had been a neglectful idiot. I still am one. I've left my second youngest brother behind, even though I know this is the time he needs me the most. Me and my other brother are slowly drifting apart. This demon hunting business is taking its toll on us. I don't regret much about the previous events. I've been told many times to it was okay and I was doing a good thing. I'm starting to believe them. The one thing I do regret is not being there that day. The day. The day that my youngest brother died. If I had just been there. Maybe I could have helped him. We all this way but I feel the worst. I never talked to him, never got along and ultimately ignored him his whole life. If I had one wish, it would be to go back in time and change it all. Go back to when it all first began. The day his father brought my little brother home. The day I first laid eyes on him. I wish I could have been there for him. I regret everything. The memorial for the countries we lost is tomorrow. I won't be going. I know it's horrible of me to do it, but it's been years since the deaths. I showed up to the first few. I can't afford to go this time.


The American sighed and placed the pencil down next to the journal. Re-reading over his entry he grew even more frustrated. "Why would anyone care about this anyway," he muttered to himself, tearing the page out. He threw it in the fireplace, watching as it burst into flames. He sat beside the fire, not moving an inch. He would love to just sit here forever, but no. He had stuff to do. Stuff he wasn't looking forward to. America's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. His brother sighed and motioned for him to get up.
"We have stuff to do now Ame" he stated wearily. America nodded and got up to join Canada outside. They stood next to the house they had been staying in for the past couple of days, sad expressions on their faces. Ame watched Canada light the match and drop it, making it go up in flames. America hugged his brother close, knowing that today was a hard day for him.
"Today was the day he died" Canada whispered, tears falling down his face. Ame only nodded, with nothing else to say. And so before they departed on their journey, Ame write one last message in the journal.

Don't ever forget those close to you. They could be gone in an instant.

Life and death (Countryhumans AU)Where stories live. Discover now