Chapter 24

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Corbyn's POV

"You did good with choosing Chelsea. She's really nice AND cute, may I add." My brother Tyler told me. I raised a eyebrow at him. Did he just say that he thought MY girlfriend is cute? "Owh right, sorry." I chuckled.

"It's okey. She is INDEED cute." I agreed and smiled.

"You really like her huh?"

"Yeah.....She's amazing." I answered him blushing. I looked around but couldn't find her. "Sorry bro, but I have to do something."

"Sure, see you later." He said and smiled. I smiled back and walked away. I walked around the house and found Zach, but not Chels.

"Hey Zach, did you see Chelsea anywhere?"

"No, last time I saw her was like an hour ago. Why?"

"I can't find her. I looked around the house, but nothing."

"Shall I help you?"

"No don't worry. She's probably in the bathroom or something." I reassured him. He nodded and got back to talking to his younger brother Ryan. I searched for another 10 minutes but nothing. I sighed and walked outside to see her sitting here on the grass next to the pool. Really? Really?! She was here all this time? I shook my head chuckling and walked towards her.

"Hey what yah doing back here?" I asked and sat down next to her.

"Owh hey," She looked up and smiled at me. "I just needed to catch some air. It was a little bit too much for me." She answered and I nodded. I mean, I umderstand her. There are all new people inside and everyone wants to talk to her. I didn't get to see and talk to her a lot since I was so busy with talking to them too. And trying to stop Logan from doing something stupid. Like jumping in the pool, dancing on our roof, singing our lyrics around the neighbourhood while driving in his car with the windows down and the music on speaker.....That kind of stuff.

"Yeah I get that." I replied and we sat there in silence. I pulled her a bit closer to me and she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I like your family. They're nice." She said and looked up to me smiling.

"Thanks. They like you too." I kissed her cheek and she started blushing.

"Hello people! We're live at the why don't we house and I think we  discovered something very rare!" We looked behind us and saw Logan filming us. I rolled my eyes at him. "Ow no, I think they saw us. Abord the mission!" He yelled and ran in the house again.

"I'm sorry for experiencing that." I answered and chuckled.

"Is he always like that?"

" get used to it. Eventually." I said and she nodded.

"Corbyn! We need you back here!" Jack yelled and I looked back at Chelsea.

"It's okey. It's your birthday, go enjoy it." She replied and smiled.

"Coming!" I yelled back and Jack nodded. I turned to Chelsea again and grabbed her hand. "I'll be back okey?" She nodded and I kissed her. We pulled away and I stood up. I waved a little at her and got back inside. Jack saw me and walked over to me.

"What's up Jack? Why did I had to come?"

"Logan is gone and me and the boys are afraid he's doing something stupid again."

"Okey let's go find him." I answered and he nodded.

Chelsea's POV

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