Chapter Eighteen

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I'd managed not to lose the Ford or the Town Car, and Knight and I were now following them out of the city center and toward the town of Estuary on Highway One. The farther we ventured from Splendor, the fewer cars on the road and the more I worried the Ford and Town Car would notice us.

"This creature juice is giving me a serious upset stomach," Knight said through gritted teeth. He dug his fingers into the armrests and shuddered.

I didn't glance at him, entirely too focused on not losing sight of the two vehicles, which wasn't hard considering they were the only other vehicles on the road.

At least his issues were going from erectile to merely gastrointestinal. Gastrointestinal I could handle. His erectile issues were just getting downright annoying.

"Pull over, I feel like I'm going to be sick," he said and sounded like a junkie going through withdrawals.

"I'm not interested in you or your issues right now, Knight. We've got more important stuff to deal with. Just breathe deeply until the feeling goes away."

I had a mind to call Sam and find out what the hell went wrong. But I knew what the answer would be—it wasn't her; it was Knight.

"I feel sick to my stomach," he hissed.

I laughed. "That's called blue balls."

Knight just grumbled.

The Ford took a right on an unpaved road with no sign. The only distinguishing landmark happened to be an old defunct mill, looming in the shadows like a nightmare. The Town Car turned onto the road, following the Ford, but I stayed on Highway One, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. Soon both vehicles disappeared down the road, trailed by a cloud of red-tinted dust from their taillights. I pulled a U-turn and started back after them.

"Oh, God," Knight groaned as he rolled his head back and forth.

"Just don't throw up in my car." I gave him a meaningful glance. "I'll kill you if you do."

Not waiting for a response, I pulled onto the dirt road and put the Wrangler into four-wheel-drive. With the potholes and the incline, I was surprised the Town Car made it up at all.

"Where are we?" Knight asked, finally pulling his attention away from that which makes him male.

"Some dirt road. I think we're in the city limits of Estuary but I'm not sure." I paused to glance at him and noticed his erection raring against his khaki pants like a demon wanting out of Pandora's Box. Course, in this case, Knight's demon wanted in.

I shook my head. Once this case was done, and if we were lucky enough to survive, a new type of torture awaited Knight—and that torture included me reminding him in vivid detail of every sexual notion to come out of his mouth.

"Do you think you're going to puke?" I asked, wondering if I should just leave him in the car and handle the arrests myself.

"I'm not going to be sick," he groaned and glanced outside. "You should turn off your headlights—otherwise, the lights are going to blow any chance we have at getting these guys."

The word "guys" struck me, being plural. "There are at least, what, four of them including the creature? And there are two of us," I said, sounding like I was setting up the foundation for a math problem.

"I'm easily as strong as three men," my nymphomaniac passenger said calmly.

"You were. Now I'm afraid you'll just toss your cookies on them." I fished inside the cubby hole below my CD player for my cell phone. "I think we need backup."

To Kill A Warlock, An Urban Fantasy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now