Chapter Twelve

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"So why are we going to Bram's, Dulce?" Trey asked as he leaned over the driver's seat and breathed heavily down my neck.

"Are you buckled in?" I asked. "The last thing I want is a ticket for your sorry ass not being buckled."

Knight chuckled. Trey resumed his position of breathing down my neck—a smell that oddly reminded me of the Alpo I'd been feeding the gremlins.

"Are we going drinking?" Trey started in again. "I haven't been out partying for a long time ... this is going to be so cool. You know, Dulce, you and me have never been out together."

More sweltering breath on my neck. I came to a red light and tested the brakes. I glanced back at Trey in the rear view mirror and watched him knock his head against the back of my seat.

"Jeez, watch your driving," he said, rubbing his forehead.

"No, we aren't going partying. I have some business I need to take care of, and Bram is going to take care of you."

I caught Trey's grimace in the rearview mirror. His shoulders sagged, and his bottom lip stuck out like he was about to cry. "I don't need Bram to babysit me."

"Yes, you do," I said. Not wanting a forty-year-old hobgoblin crying in my backseat, I softened my tone. "Just do me a favor, and don't argue with me. Angela will keep you company. You can stare at her boobs all night."

Trey started to deny the fact that he was a fan of Angela's boobs, but at Knight's chuckle, I guess he thought he'd take the manly way out. A smirk replaced the grimace on his lips.

Trey nodded to Knight. "They're nice, man."

"Holy Hades," I said. "Can we change the subject please?"

The light went green, and I accelerated again. No Regrets was just at the end of the street—the fluorescent sign promising separation from Trey soon enough. And giving the slip to the albatross around my neck was as appealing as a Slurpee on a super hot day.

I threw a wave to Nick as I pulled into the lot behind No Regrets. Putting the Wrangler into park, I faced Trey who was beaming like a kid at the gates to Disneyland.

"Trey, hang out at the bar with either Bram or Angela all night. Make like your ass is stapled to the chair and wait for us to get back, okay?"

He bobbed his head but there was a day-dreamy gaze in his eyes, and I would've bet money he'd paid absolutely no attention to me. "Yeah, yeah," he said, waving his hand in dismissal. Then he seemed to glom onto the fact that I hadn't included Knight in the Angela-babysitting-Trey paradigm. "Hey, why does Todd get to go with you?"

Knight gave me a quick discouraging glance, as if I were such a moron I couldn't remember I'd been sworn to secrecy. "Don't worry about that," I said and glared at Knight.

I opened the door and hopped down, my spine tight with anger. Dropping my attention to my jeans and tank top, I sighed as I thought of the horrible getup I'd have to invent for myself prior to going to Dagan's. I didn't want to give Trey even the slightest inkling that we were headed to Dagan's, so I'd have to use my magic to dress Knight and myself up later.

I started forward with Trey and Knight on my heels. Bram met us at the back door, giving me a lascivious smile. This was going to be a long night.

"Sweet, looking lovely as always."

A snide response buried itself on my tongue when I remembered Bram was doing me a favor.

"Hi, Bram, thanks for watching Trey. I appreciate it."

Bram didn't show his surprise at the first friendly words I'd ever said to him. Instead, he inclined his head toward Trey in greeting. His eyes narrowed when they fell on Knight. "And who is this?" he asked with all the pretense of propriety but anyone with half a brain would realize he was less than thrilled to make Knight's acquaintance. Men of the Netherworld were a macho bunch.

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