Richie Tozier - Eddie's sister

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"Eddie you ready?" I asked

He nodded and we both grabbed our bikes to meet the others

"Eddie!" Our mum called from inside "You forgot something!"

He sighed and went back inside

Me and Eddie were twins, we were inseparable too. But unfortunately, our mums love for Eddie wasn't the same for the love she had for me. in fact, because she put all her time and love into Eddie there wasn't any left for me. it wasn't always this way but the last few years it has been. I guess I've just learnt to deal with it all

Eddie came back out and gave me a sympathetic smile, no doubt she asked him back in there to kiss her goodbye

I brushed it off and we headed to meet the others at the arcade

The first thing I noticed was Richie playing street fighter as usual, with the others messing around on other games

I snuck up behind Richie and placed my hands over his eyes

"What? No!" he shouted

I laughed and removed my hands

He turned around and his face softened "oh its you. Hey" he smiled

"Hello can i-"

"My go!" Eddie said and pushed me out the way

I rolled my eyes "Rude!"

"You can go after." Eddie said

Richie smiled and then turned his attention back to the game whilst he played against Eddie

After watching them for what felt like hours I cut in

"My go" I said, lightly moving Eddie out the way

Richie grinned "let's see what you got Kaspbrak."

"Yeah you will" I teased and we started to play street fighter

After playing for hours, the other guys decided to go on something else whilst me and Richie competed.

"YES!" I cheered as I saw my high score compared to Richie's "Thank you, thank you. I will take my prize now." I grinned

He groaned "How? This game is rigged!"

I laughed "Just admit I'm the master of the game. Hand it over." I said and held my hand out

He sighed "I don't have anymore tokens to give you, you took them all."

I smirked "Because I'm too good at this. But you still owe me a prize."

"Well.. how about I treat you to the movies later?"

I lifted my eyebrow "The movies?"

He nodded "I-I urm if you want? I mean as friends."

I smiled "Deal."

His face lit up, breaking into a smile too

"You nerds finished now?" Eddie said

I nodded "I won."

"Always" Eddie said, rolling his eyes

"Don't be jealous Eds" I smirked, messing the boys hair up

Me and Richie agreed to meet up later on in the day for the movies, but I decided it was best not to tell everyone else even though Eddie will soon find out

There was a slight knock at the door

"The door!" Eddie shouted

I walked over and opened it to see Richie

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