Jack Dylan Grazer

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How cute are they in this GIF? //

'I love this film!' Finn said and sat between me and Jack

Jack let out a sigh and i knew he wasn't in a good mood

'Way to ruin a movie date.' He muttered

I laughed as the boys kept nudging each other in annoyance

'Alright let's watch the movie.' I said

'Where's my popcorn?' Finn asked

'Share mine.' I said and he put his hand in grabbing a handful

I fake gasped 'Not that much!'

He laughed 'Shhhh.' He threw someone popcorn at me

I noticed Jack looking at us and before i could say anything else he put his bowl down

'Im going.' He said

I frowned 'What why?'

'I thought you might wanna spend time with your other boyfriend.' He said and left the room

I looked at Finn and sighed 'Fuck.'

I stood up and followed him out 'Wait!' I shouted

'What y/n?'

'What's wrong? I-i don't know what happened back there-'

'Like you don't know.' he laughed, not a happy laugh, almost sarcastic and pissed at the same time 'You were flirting with my best friend right in front of me!' He said


'No, y/n if you like Finn then maybe you should get with him instead.'

I frowned, walking forward 'Don't be silly.'

'Silly? We don't even get an hour to ourselves as it is and when we both finally have free time your all over Finn!' He said

'That's not fair! I wasn't all over him, he's my friend too.'

He shook his head 'I don't believe you.'

I frowned, kind of hurt by his words. I've never done anything to make him doubt my trust so why was he feeling like this now?


'You clearly like Finn so maybe you should be with him instead.' he said

'So, what? Y-your breaking up with me?' I asked

'Maybe i am.' he showed no emotion as he said it and turned away

My heart dropped and i felt the tears coming up and i didn't want him to see he got to me like this

'I see.' i said, my voice cracked so i quickly walked back inside

'Did you sort it?' Finn asked

'H-he ended it with me.' i said

His eyes widened 'What why?! Cause i came in? I'm sorry y/n i didn't mean to! I swear I'll talk to-'

'Its fine Finn, it wasn't you. He didn't end it over today i know he didn't he clearly just wasn't happy and didn't want to admit it.' i said and grabbed my coat


'See ya around Finn' i gave him a weak smile and walked back out

I gave jack one last look before hurrying down the street to my house

Jacks pov -

I walked back inside and Finn came over

'What the fuck dude?' He shouted


'You broke her heart?! Why?'

'She likes you don't you see that? I can't compete anymore. you could make her way happier than i can.'

Which was true, for a while now I've seen people saying how y/n and Finn are cute together so maybe it's for the best that they get together no matter how hard it will be

'Compete? She's frickin in love with you! She told me the other day! She said how much she loves you and is so glad she met you and you do this? Jack you've just lost the best thing that ever happened to you.'

Your pov -

A few weeks passed since Jack ended it with me and i haven't been out since, I would ask one of the guys to come out but me and Jack have mutual friends so when they saw i wasn't with him anymore i just didn't want the questions, so i blocked everyone out

I sat at my window and watched the rain

'You sure you don't want to come?' My mum asked

I shook my head 'I'm fine.'

'Okay hunny, see you later.' she said and left the house leaving me yet again on my own

There was a knock at the door and i groaned

i slowly walked over to the door and opened it

'Mum if you left your keys-' I stopped when i saw a huge teddy bear

Jacks head popped up under the arm

'Urm hey.' he said

I raised my eyebrow 'You look like your struggling.'

He let out a little nervous laugh

'I am a little, wasn't ideal to buy a bear bigger than me.' He dropped the bear on my doorstep and looked at me

He looked as rough as i felt

'I-i'm sorry.' he mumbled 'Honestly I'm really sorry.'

'Its fine.' i said, but we both knew it wasn't

'No! No, its not okay.' He sighed and ran a hand through his hair 'i was paranoid. I admit it and I'm sorry. I know you and Finn are nothing more than friends. I was just wrapped up in all the comments-'

'Comments? Jack your believing what some of your fans are saying?'

'Yeah, once i read them i started noticing how close you were i couldn't help but think it. Im sorry y/n i never should've ended it the way i did. I hope you can forgive me.' he said

'Hmm i don't know.'

'Oh, wait one more thing! Press the paw.' he grinned. I reached down to the bear and squeezed the paw

'Im sorry y/n! I love you' it was jacks voice

'You love me?'

'i do, i know you do too'

'Who told- Finn! Im gonna kill him' i groaned

He smiled 'i think it's cute... can we please go back to the way we were?' He asked

I smiled 'of course'

He grinned and quickly pecked my lips 'I love you.'

'I love you too silly.' i smiled and kissed him one more time

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