Finn Wolfhard

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Finn wolfhard – jealousy

"Hey Y/N you know how you're my best friend..." Finn grinned sitting next to me

"What did you do..."

He laughed 'Nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe, come to IT chapter 2 premiere with me?"

My eyes widened "YES!!!"

He laughed and I jumped onto him, giving him a big hug

"Wait. Does this mean I'm likely to meet James McAvoy? THE Mr Tumnus from Narnia."

He laughed "Yes y/n, please don't fangirl in front of him. You might freak him out."

"This is crazy! And Jay Ryan! He's just a beautiful human isn't he?' I asked

"Okay enough of this, its tomorrow. So please try not to freak out." He laughed and pulled me closer "Now lets watch a film."

I nodded and he put on The Avengers

The next day came around so fast, my nerves were all over the place

He's only ever took me to one other premiere before and that was for Stranger Things, which wasn't as bad because I knew everyone already

"Right your dress is in there, I'll meet you outside." Finn smiled and left the room

I felt sick, just thinking about it. What if I fall or even worse, throw up every where, which was highly likely by the way I was feeling.

I sighed and grabbed the dress

It was a long sparkly cream dress, it was something you'd see in a fairytale. This must've cost a fortune

I got in the dress and did a little bit of make up

"Are you ready yet?' Finn called

"Sorry coming!" I shouted

I sighed and looked in the mirror "Don't throw up. Don't throw up. Don't throw up." I mumbled

I walked out to see Finn in a black suit

"Well look at you!' I said and I must admit he did look really hot tonight.

He smiled "You look... beautiful."

I blushed "Shut it you."

He grabbed my hand "Let's go."

I nodded and followed him out

There was a lot of media speculations that Finn and I were together but there was nothing more than friends. For him anyways. I've always kept it a secret about my feelings for him, I knew he would never get with me. especially now he was a successful actor and could have nearly anyone in the world.

We both got in the car and I looked over to him, checking him out

He could wear anything and still look amazing, but what makes it worse is he never sees it himself.

"What?' he asked, catching me looking at him

"Nothing." I said looking out the window

He didn't say anything but I could tell he was smiling

We finally arrived and I could already see all the cameras flashing towards the cars waiting to see who it was who just arrived

My stomach was in knots, my nerves all over the place

"Come on." Finn grabbed my hand and we both left the car, I let go of Finn's hand because I didn't want people to think we were a thing but Finn just grabbed my hand again and squeezed it

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