Stanley Uris (request)

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Request for lukeybabe68

'Are you coming to the movies with us?' Beverly asked

'You sure? You hate me going out with your friends' I said

She rolled her eyes 'No, you are my twin sister. You're like my best friend it's about time you met them. You just can't go near Bill okay?' she said

'Fine... which one is he?'

'You'll know.' she said

I nodded, following her close behind as we headed to the movies

As we got there I saw a group of lads waiting outside

'Hey B-Bev!' a guy shouted, his face lighting up as he saw her. Guessing this is Bill

As we walked closer, I noticed a cute guy at the back

'Hey guys, this is Merinda, my sister.' she smiled

I did a little wave


'H-hey Merinda, nice to meet y-you.' Bill said

'Nice to meet you too.' I smiled

Each of them all greeted me leaving the guy at the back till last

'HeY im Stan.' He mumbled

'Hey.' I smiled, he didn't really seem that interested in the conversation and carried on avoiding eye contact

I looked over to Beverly for answers, but she just shrugged

I sighed, following them all in

'So, I've heard this new film is batshit crazy!' Richie said

'Shut up Richie, language.' Eddie groaned

'You're such a baby.'

'No im not!' he said

Yes, you are, Eds.'

'Don't call me that.' He groaned

They both carried on arguing, shooting insults to one another

'You'll get used to it.' someone said making my jump

'Oh right, they always like that?'

Ben nodded 'It's like a love/hate friendship.'

'well that's sweet.' I said

He nodded, looking over to Beverly and bill. I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't happy

'You alright?' I asked

He nodded, putting on a smile

'so, is Stanley always so quiet?' I asked

He nodded 'He's quite shy, he shard to get to know. It took me a few months to get a conversation out of him don't take it personal.' Ben said

I nodded, feeling slightly better

We took our seats, I was on the end next to Stanley

'Is this scary?' I asked

He shrugged

'Why don't you like me? Have I done something?' I asked

He looked at me and frowned 'What?'

'You just keep being cold with me.' I said

His face softened 'No, sorry. It takes me a while to get used to new people.'

I nodded 'oh okay, sorry.' I said leaving it there

The movie started, and it was horrible

I turned to Stan and saw him hiding

'You okay?' I asked

He nodded, still hiding his face

'It's not that scary.' I said

'It is.' he said

The werewolf came on screen, blood all over his face after eating the teenager

'Www okay that's gross.' I said

Stan laughed 'See!'

'Okays he's gone.' I said

Stan uncovered his face, looking at the screen

'Thank god! Don't know how much more I can take.'

I laughed 'You'll be fine.'

A few scenes later, the werewolf did the same thing

'Nope, I can't. Do you want to get out of here?' Stan whispered


'T-there's an arcade. Next door we can go to that?'

'Sure.' I smiled

'Come on, they won't notice.'

I nodded, we both got out our seats quietly making out way out

Stan sighed a relief 'Thank you! I couldn't bare anymore of that.'

I laughed 'such a girl.'

'Am not! I just don't like blood.' he mumbled

'Cute.' I smiled

He looked over to me, surprised by my words. His face turning a light pink

'Sorry.' I said, 'I didn't mean it come out like that I just mean- its sweet.'

He nodded, both of us walking to the arcade in silence

We headed over to the cars

'Want to race together?' he asked

I nodded, we both got in the cat seats and put the money in

'You're going down.' I said

'Bring it.' he said, and we started the race

'Yes!' I shouted as I went over the finish line first

He groaned 'No... I let you win.'

I rolled my eyes and laughed 'Alright, loser.'

'I did!'

I smirked 'Alright Uris.'

'I've not had this much fun in a long time.' he said

'Well then we should do this more!'

'what are you guys doing?'

We turned around to see the guys stood there

'Oh, we erm... we came here because the film was boring.' I said

'So, you go to the arcade without me?!' Richie said

'Sorry Richie.' I said

He sighed 'I guess I could forgive you... for a kiss.' he smirked

Beverly hit him 'No way.'

I laughed and looked to Stan

'I had a good time anyways, so thank you. Do it again?'

He nodded 'definitely'

This was awful! Im so sorry! I wrote this on my phone in my notes, so it was kinda rushed whilst I was on the train haha, if you're not happy let me know and I will write a better one for you!

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