Richie Tozier (request)

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Imagine for Real_Maggie_Finnigan

Hope you enjoy!

'Right don't cramp my style Imogen.' Richie said as we walked to school

I rolled my eyes 'Shut up Richie.'

'I mean it, I got a good reputation round here. You can't ruin it for me. i know it's a new school and im not saying you can't hang out with us. just don't embarrass me.' He said

'Gee thanks.' I mumbled and followed him inside

'Hey Richie!' We turned to see 3 boys stood there

'Hey bitches!' Richie shouted

'Hey, you must be Imogen Richie's bestie.' Stanley said

I nodded 'Nice to meet you guys.'

'H-hey.' the cute one said

I smiled 'Hello'

'This is B-B-Billy.' Richie said, 'You will get used to it'

Billy groaned 's-sorry.'

'Don't be.' I gave him a small smile

'He doesn't stop talking about you.' Stan said

Richie hit him 'I don't.'

'And I am Eddie.' the little one said

'Hey Eddie, thanks for letting me hang out with you guys.'

'N-no worries. Anytime.' Billy said

We gave each other another smile before Richie pulled me away

'no, no way. You are not getting with Bill! Hes my best friend.' he said

I frowned 'shut up Richie we didn't even do anything.'

'im just saying okay.' he said

'Alright, dad.' I mocked, he looked genuinely hurt but I decided to head to class, leaving him stood there

Later at lunch I met the guys in the hall

'Hey guys.' I smiled

'H-how's your first d-day going?' Bill asked

'Good than you.' I smiled

I grabbed my lunch out my bag and started to eat

'Oh my god, m&ms my fav.' I Richie said, grabbing the bag from me

'Hey!' I frowned

He smirked 'Sorry Immy'

'Don't call me that.' I groaned

'You love it.' He teased

I looked over to Bill who was already looking at us, with a frown on his face

'You okay Bill?' I asked

He nodded, looking back to his food


After lunch we headed back to class

'Hey Beverly, do you know what was wrong with Bill?' I asked

She smiled, 'I think he might have a little crush on you.'

'A crush? We've only just met?'

She shrugged 'Maybe he was hoping to get to know you or something.'

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