Chapter 21: Nightmares

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"Do you like your new toys, Y/N?"

"Yes, Mommy! I love them."

"I'm glad you do, sweetheart. Keep playing."

The young Y/N played with a the new doll she had just gotten for her 5th birthday. She loved playing with her best friend while her mom watched them

"Play with me!" She shouted to her friend.

She continued to smile and play with the dolls happily. She looked up to find her friend and mom gone.

"Mommy?" She asked and looked around.

She looked towards the street where her mom was running with an oncoming car coming towards her.

"Mommy!" She screamed.


Y/N woke up with a start. She was shaking. Tears were flowing down her face.

She took heavy, deep breaths.

"Y/N? Are you alright??" Nayeon asked in concern from her bed.

"Yeah..I'm fine." Y/N hid.

She looked at the clock: 6 A.M.

"Did I wake you up?" Y/N asked.

"It's alright. I'm more concerned for you. What's going on?" Nayeon assured.

"Just a bad dream. That's all." Y/N says and smiled.
"Go back to sleep. It's still really early." She told Nayeon.

"Okay. You should too. Try to get some more sleep." Nayeon advised.

Y/N nods and tries to get more sleep, but she couldn't sleep a wink until morning..


"Y/ okay?" Jin asks as he scooped some scrambled eggs and put it on Y/N's plate.

No answer.


"Huh? What?" Y/N awoke with a start.

"What the hell is wrong with you today? You're so out of it, and it's only 8 A.M." Jin complains.

"I barely got any sleep."

"How come? In order to have beauty, you need to have sleep. So if you don't have sleep, you'll get ugly. Who on Earth wouldn't want to sleep?" Jin asks.

The whole table looks at him.

"I don't know. I had a nightmare and I couldn't sleep after." Y/N says and yawns.

"Must've been a pretty daunting one, then." Jungkook added and laughs.

Y/N laughs along, but what Jungkook said was true: it was one of the scariest dreams she's ever had, something that she didn't want to talk about with anyone, ever.


"Where are we going today?" Hoseok asks Taehyung on the bus.

"To a popular amusement park in Paris. It'll be really fun." Taehyung says and smiles.

Everyone excitedly chattered and once again had fun in the wonderful bus.

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