Chapter 29: Finishing my course portfolio

Start from the beginning

"Why haven't you spoken up when I asked question for the class?"

Her voice made my entire body freeze.

"I... I don't..." I stammered before I finally ended in a shrug.

"You should have. You clearly know all the techniques and the theoretical background. It shows in your work."

"I'm not good at speaking in front of a lot of people."

"But you do so expertly on your blog," she said and my stomach dropped. She knew about my blog. How could she even know that? I wanted to smack my palm against my forehead. My face was revealed and since then it had appeared in a few other blogposts. Most often I was only behind the camera but I had been warming up to the art of selfies lately.

"My daughters are huge fans of these youngsters on YouTube and yesterday they showed me a blog called PureSimplePhotos. You can imagine my surprise when I recognised you as one of my students."

I remained silent. I didn't know what to tell her. She sounded mad but then again I had never heard her sound different.

"You're talented. You've got a manager?"

"I work closely with Gleam who manages social talent..." I said, only to be interrupted.

"I know about Gleam, they are the biggest YouTube management in Britain."

"Did you ever take a course in photography before?"

"I did it for my A-levels and got an A+," I answered.

She scribbled down something on a lab of paper and handed it to me.

"If you should need a real manager, give me a call."

Flabbergasted, I took the piece of paper. "Sure."

"Oh, and Miss Clover - you better find an epic final photograph."

I was walking home to my flat as the thoughts spun around in my head. Earlier today I had just been thinking about finishing the course and my stressful month finally being over. I had been out to a couple of different events with Nate and working harder than ever on my blog. I put up post three times a week at the moment and I was really happy with the way they turned out.

"Hey Abbey," Emma said. "I'm just editing my daily make-up routine and it turned out so good. Thank you again for helping me film."

She was sprawled across the couch, which was her usual editing position. She finally pried her eyes away from the screen and instantly worry filled her eyes.

"What did Mrs H do today? Yell at that foreign student again?"

I shook my head. "No, she scolded me for not speaking up in class. And then went on to compliment my photo and offer to find me a manager."

I could hardly believe the words as I spoke them.

"Isn't she a very famous photographer? That's awesome, Abbey!"

"Yes, but it is nagging me. She was right about me not speaking up. I didn't even though I knew the answers. I just didn't want the attention on me and frankly she intimated me. But I should have gotten over that."

"Abbey, don't be too hard on yourself. Besides, the course is over now."

"Yeah, but I might return to university next year," I said.

"Do you really think that you'll do that?" she said sceptically.

"I don't know but I would like to finish my undergraduate degree."

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