Chapter 9: Ice skating & sunset picnic

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It was astonishing how being near Nate made me have so mixed emotions. On one hand it was kind of exciting running around with him, hiding and being mysterious but another part of me wondered if his life was always this way and if I would even be able to handle being near someone like that for an extended period of time.

"You're alright?" Nate asked me as we cued to lease skates.

I nodded quickly.

"You're thinking hard about something. You get a little line between your brows," he commented but didn't press the issue further. I had never realised I did that.

Like a gentleman he paid for both of our skates and entrances although I tried to protest.

When we got out on the ice I remembered that I hadn't skated since I was a child and even then I hadn't been very good. I wobbled along the line, holding the edge of the area while I worried that I might twist my ankle if I ventured out further.

"You can't skate?" Nate questioned amused. "We could go somewhere else, if you're not up for it."

"No, I'm good. I know how to do it," I said, hoping that my fake confidence came across without seeming too strained. I was in deep waters.

"Here," Nate said and offered his hand to me.

I smiled shyly at the gesture. "No, you go ahead. I just need to get a feel of the ice. I'll catch up," I said and hustled him along.

He flashed me a bright smile and skated along with ease. I was impressed; he could really move. His fit body moved perfectly on the ice with the help of his skates, he looked like a professional. A couple of other people on the ice ridge noticed him too and looked equally impressed. It was no wonder that he was on YouTube, he naturally drew everyone's attention towards him just by being himself.

With a rush of adrenaline I pushed away from the edge and moved my feet robotically side by side. I slowly gained more confidence and sped up. Just like when riding a bike it was easier when moving forward fast rather than slow even though it was more intimidating.

I tried going in circles and found a steady rhythm. Soon I was able to skate without much effort and started to relax and loosen my muscles and thus skating even smoother.

"That's pretty good, Abbs!" Nate said and skated up besides me.

"Thanks, but you're a natural. Have you skated much?"

"No not really, but I've always taken quick to most types of sports and activities. Watch this!"

He skated in front of me and accelerated. Blimey, he was fast. Having picked up the speed of an entire round he ran up to where I was just skating in my own circles and stopped so abruptly that ice got sprayed up on me. Some got in my eyes and my temporary blindness made me lose control of where I was going and I ended up skating into Nate.

I fell backwards and slammed on my back and Nate fell to his knees besides me. I started to laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Shortly after followed Nate's laughter. People must have thought we were bizarre but I couldn't care less.

When the laughter had subsided some, I quickly brought out my phone and snapped a photo of the laughing Nate whom retaliated by snapping one of me.

"Don't you take photos of me!" I protested and tried to snatch the phone from Nate but I didn't have Emma's quick hands and failed.

"Yes, I can and see how good it was," he said and showed me the photo on his screen. The lighting was on point and I looked full of life, I never liked to be on photos but truth was that I actually was photographic. Neither of my parents was good at taking photos and my sister had never been interested in it, which lead only my brother who on the contrary was an amazing photographer. He used to take so many photos of Emma and I when we where younger but when we entered our teen years, I stopped wanting to be in front of the camera.

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