Chapter 3: Dinner plans

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As if I didn’t find walking with Nate awkwardly enough on its own, he pulled out a camera and started filming himself.

“So, I just finished my photo-shoot. I think I might actually have some good photos rather than the goofy selfies that you see me post on Instagram. A big thanks to Emma here for filming some of the shoot,” Nate said and Emma naturally walked into the shot with a big smile.

I was happy that I was walking in front of them and out of the shot. I was very unpleased hearing that Emma had filmed us, I hadn’t noticed at all. I had been way too occupied watching Nate and getting good photos.

“Yes, I am Emma Clover and the photographer’s little sister and since I am an aspiring model, I would love if some of you people would go follow my Instagram at EmmaClover!”

Emma was laughing and acting natural. She had always had a way in front of a camera, where as I felt much more comfortable behind it.

“Uhh, subtle plug but I think you guys should do it. I mean who wouldn’t want to see more of this girl. I’ll follow her myself.”

“She’s not yet legal,” I shouted, as I couldn’t help myself.

Luckily, I had my hoodie up and made sure not to turn my face even slightly, ensuring that if the camera got pointed in my direction it would only get my backside.

“That’s an older sister for you guys. I feel your pain, Emma. My older sister is very overprotective too. Anyway I am going into Brighton city to meet up with Zalfie and Narcus, catch up with you there.”

Then he put the camera down.

“Are you really going to see Zoe, Alfie, Marcus and Niomi?” Emma asked excitingly, almost jumping up and down.

“Yeah, I am. You know them?”

“I am a huge fan. Do you think it would be possible for us to tag along and just say hi and get a couple of photos?”

“Emma! You can’t ask that!” I said utterly embarrassed. “They are going out for dinner privately and I am sure they don’t want to be bothered.”

Nate smiled directly at me as I spoke and I felt my stomach tense up. Those piercing eyes saw right through me.

“Oh, I sorry I didn’t mean…”

“No, it’s okay. I am sure they wouldn’t mind. Only for a quick hello though.”

Emma started clapping her hands. As much as I was horrified, I also saw a great shot and managed to capture it with my camera before she stopped and proceeded to stick her tongue out at me. I of course countered with doing the same and that left Nate laughing.

On for more awkward situations, I felt really uncomfortable entering the restaurant to see Nate being greeted by the two couples. They were smiling at Nate and seemed rather confused when they spotted Emma and I behind him. I stayed back, hiding behind my camera and caught the greetings, handshakes and hugs on camera for Emma. I knew how much she would appreciate having them later.

I felt a presence besides me and turned to see Nate studying me. He raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner.

“Would you like to say hi as well?”

“I think I’ll skip it this time.”

“This time? You think we’ll see each other again?”

“No, I mean…” I held my breath for a second. “I didn’t…”

“Chill out, I was just pulling your leg. But it wouldn’t be so bad if we met again, would it?”

Suddenly, he sounded insecure and all of this though, funny guy act had faded to a pair of very sincere eyes.

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