Runaway (The Greatest Part 2)

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I'm sorry. But it's for the best.

"So runaway bride, where to go?"

Maqui smirked glancing at me. I heave a deep sigh because I know my face will be spread all over the news and my parents will surely not going to be proud of that. Speaking of my parents, they are calling me now. I slide the answer button and put the phone in my ear.

"What the hell are you thinking, Julie? What was that?"

My father shouted which isn't surprising because who's going to be calm when you're daughter ran away from the most awaited wedding? Definitely no one.

"I'm sorry, dad."

I apologized not really explaining the reason why I ran away. What's the point of telling them when they will just loathe me?

"Come back here, Julie! It's time to stop playing and get your ass back here."

He ordered firmly but I shook my head. I will not go back there and walk to the future that's going to be sad and lifeless.

"No, dad. I'm sorry."

I said as I put down the phone hearing him calling my name. I ended the call and heave a deep sigh again.

"Stop sighing, Juls. You did the right thing. Give me your best smile or I'll kick you out of this car."

She rolled her eyes making me laugh. Then, I flashed a smile wanting to satisfy her or else I will not see my Elmo ever again.



"Donny bro."

I said when I answered his call. I am currently driving to my apartment when my phone rang.

"Can you do me a favor? Can you pick up my sister for me, please? Okay. Thank you bro! I'll send you the address."

He said on the other line without even greeting me and giving me the chance to answer. What the fuck?

"Wait. Wait. Who told you that I'll accept that? I have a flight to catch."

I said slightly annoyed because he knows that I'm leaving today. I didn't even packed my things yet because I am too preoccupied these days thinking about Julie who's exchanging vows now with the man she loves. I felt my heart ache thinking about her in other's arms.

"Please, bro. This is the last. I promise."

I can sense her desperation just by hearing his voice. God! Why can't I say no to him?

"This is indeed the last because I will never return here."

"Oh really? Tell that to my ass when you're done picking up my sister."

"Is that more important than Julie... I mean my flight?"

I scoffed as he chuckled on the other line.

"You tell me. Bye bro! Have fun!"

He then hanged up the phone leaving me annoyed. Picking up a friend's sister is never fun in my vocabulary.

I went to the said location without changing my clothes. Donny said that it's urgent and I shouldn't be late. I just sprayed a perfume before heading inside the chapel.

When I entered the chapel, no one is there. Is this some kind of prank? This isn't funny if it is. I fished out my phone and dialed Donny's number only to hear a ringtone inside. I looked around to find where it is but the sound stopped as the operator spoke that Donny is cannot be reached. He's here. He's fucking here and I swear to God that if this is a prank, I will break her neck.

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