Part 2

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*Jimin POV*

Seeing Jungkook walk into the cafe gives me a mix of emotions. I'm happy to see him but also dread the questions he might ask me. Sometimes he'll ask nothing, other times it's like he's writing an essay about me. I've tried to watch for patterns in his behaviour but every time I think I figure him out, he does something I don't expect.

"Good morning beautiful"

"Good morning" I smiled and put his order through the register since I know it by heart now.

This morning he had a white dress shirt, rolled up to the elbow with a black T-shirt underneath. For the first time, I noticed that he had a tattoo on his arm. Looked like it could be half a sleeve but I couldn't tell properly. Instead of pondering and not knowing properly, I decided on questioning him about it like he does with me.

"What's your tattoo?"

"Just something I fancied getting done a few years ago"

"What's it off?"

"A few things. Maybe if you're lucky one day you'll see it properly" he smirked as he realised I was playing his own game back at him.

"Don't get your hopes too high" I smiled and got his sandwich in the toaster for him.

"Oh really?" He smirked and handed his card over to me "put yourself a coffee through as well. Whatever you want"


"Yeah. I know I can be very full on with you so see it as a peace offering"

"Does that mean you'll stop?" I smiled and put the most expensive coffee in for myself.

"No. Just means every so often I'll buy you a coffee to make up for it"

"Sounds good to me" I laughed and told the staff making the drinks which one was mine "I need the caffeine"

"See you tomorrow beautiful" he said softly once he had all his order

"Bye" I waved and tried to hold in my blush at how the customer behind him heard him call me beautiful

"Boyfriend?" The customer asked

"No" I laughed and waited for her to tell me her order.

That evening I spent it with Yoongi and his soon to be girlfriend. They seemed to hit it off right away and you could probably say it was love at first sight. We ordered pizza and shared a couple bottles of the cheapest, most disgusting wine since we were feeling a little classy but still on a student budget.

I stumbled my way back home, which wasn't hard since I lived in the same uni housing as him but just a different block of apartments.

When I got up to own apartment I saw the guy I had been seeing waiting for me. He smiled and opened his arms for me.

"Hey" he smiled and kissed me gently "you taste of wine"

"I've been drinking wine" I drunkenly giggled

"I can tell" he laughed and pulled me into my room once I opened it "You sober enough to know what's going on though?"

"Always" I nodded and pulled him into bed


"Good morning" Jungkook smirked and scanned me over, I noticed the way his eyes landed on my neck again. The guy last night left a few new marks on my neck and chest and I had quite an open neck line on today, which maybe wasn't the best idea but it's just too hot outside

"Good morning Jungkook. Usual?"

"No. Surprise me" I tried to hide my surprise, once again he threw me off by doing something new.

"Sure" I replied bluntly and took a note of the coffee he always drinks. He gave me a knowing look when I passed the order onto the other member of staff and handed me the money, being sure to let his hand linger on mine when they touched.

"You've given me my usual coffee haven't you?"

"Yup" I smiled sweetly but sarcastically

"I do like brats"

"Shut up" I shot back at him.

As much as his persistence with his interest in me does annoy me sometimes, I would be lying if I said I didn't love the attention, that I don't like getting myself that little bit more ready to feel presentable in front of him. I do like that he wants to know about me.

He always looks professional and smart with his button up shirt and tie. Sometimes he rolls the sleeves up to under his elbow but it is always tucked into his dress trousers. He seems to alternate with the colours black, grey and white for his shirts, only very occasionally wearing something else. When he does roll his sleeves up I always notice his discreet flex of a Rolex watch. Sometimes he wears rings, but again it's not very common.

When his coffee was ready I made him wait for an extra couple of minutes, even though he could see it was there waiting for him. He never fights back with me, he just lets me be bratty and stubborn. I feel like everything I do he is analysing in some way, it's like he is trying to connect all the dots together.

"Here" I smiled and gave him his coffee when I could see his patience waring thin. He slid a piece of paper over to me and looked at me, not yet leaving the cafe. I pushed the paper back to him, noticing how he smiled at my stubbornness once again.

"You not going to read it?"


"Could really interest you" he tested and pushed it to me again

"Doubt it" I smiled and pushed it back

"Alright, fine. See you tomorrow beautiful"

"Not working tomorrow"

"Then I guess I'm not drinking coffee tomorrow" he smiled and I knew he noticed my blush "bye"


Once he left the shop, one of my colleagues laughed and shook his head.

"When are you guys going to start dating?"

"We aren't going to date. It's just playful flirting. There's no meaning behind it"

"Sure" he laughed again "so when he comes in and sees you aren't working, it's fake sadness and disappointment. On the days he doesn't come in, you're faking your stroppy like behaviour"

"I don't go stroppy"

"Sure" he smiled

"Shut up. It just wouldn't work"

"You never know"

"I'm not going to pursue anything because I know it would just end in me getting my heart broken"

"Alright. But I'm just saying, he's never flirted like this with anyone before in here. It's not just his personality. Whenever someone else serves him he just gives his order, sometimes a friendly chat but that's very rare"

"Doesn't necessarily mean he's into me"

"He's literally said the words to me, I'm into Jimin"


"A few days ago. You weren't in and I questioned him about you. He was asking where you were, so I told him you were off, then he went a bit sulky and asked when you're back, so I asked him if he's into you" he smiled and went back to his job.

"And he said yes?"

"Yep, he went all blushed and red faced after as well"

It's not that I'm not into Jungkook. He's very handsome, always very sweet to me, leaves me good tips. I just know we are from very different worlds. He's a couple years older than me, works in a good company, earns a very good wage. I'm just a student at the minute. Don't have any assets, any real life goals or even any true direction. We are just too different.

I couldn't even just do something casual with him. I'm the type of person that gets attached too quickly, too easily. I get very possessive and  jealous and I know he would see a side to me I don't want him knowing about. I want him to keep the perfect little illusion he has of me.

But I can't deny the thought of being by his side so he can show me off does sound pretty appealing.

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