The Paint on my Jacket

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In the deepest part of the multiverse, where the unknown AUs, unknown to creators lived, was a parasite, going to everyone single one of those unknown AUs and was corrupting there code. Every time he'd go to a AU, he'd corrupted it with what he called his "Fresh Virus"

The Fresh Virus, was when the code would turn into the thing he was, full with color, and randomness, but everything didn't feel the way it looked. Everything would be emotionless, or wouldn't know what emotions they're feeling. They could be angry, and mad, and they'd think they'd be happy, or they wouldn't feel anything at all...

They would wear a bunch of random clothes from the 80s or 90s but feel....nothing...

Of course, since the virus is unstable, the AU would break, and destroy itself, and Fresh would have to leave his Fresh virus playground. He'd go to every AU to find a home that could handle his Fresh virus, since he had nothing better to do.

He didn't have any friends to talk to, since everyone called him a freak...

He didn't have any family to go to...hell, he doesn't even know if he's related to anyone...

He doesn't have anything to do...

So, he rather go AU to AU to see which AU can handle his Fresh virus. Of course, the more developed AU probably could, but, he didn't want to ruin the code that's already young adults, he wanted to at least ruin the ones that are new and young, so it wouldn't hurt other people as much...

Fresh didn't really care for other people feelings, but he knows better then to be an asshole.

Right now, Fresh was enjoying the time he had in his Freshy playground,  in the AU that used to be called, Brokentale.

In the original AU, a human had fallen from the surface, into the underground, Flowey the flower tried to help the human get back up to the surface, but Toriel, caretaker of the ruins kidnapped the child into staying in the ruins with her. Toriel was like a mother to the child, except more scary, and serious, and not that kind as the Undertale Toriel. The human then left their mom into Snowdin, where they met Sans and Papyrus, Sans was more serious and didn't say too many jokes, Papyrus was focus on honor, and making other people proud of him, doing good deeds and such. The Human met many people, Undyne, who valued trust, and loyalty, Alphys who was a workaholic, Mettaton who was very clingy, and loves to seek attention from EVERYONE...and Asgore...the sad fluffy buns who sits at this throne as his buttercups does his hope, becoming weak as he grows more older...

Of course, the story is pretty decent, but the story isn't known to many, so it's mostly unstable, somethings unanswered, and could used some improvement.

Everyone wore sunglasses, or overalls, and stripped shirts that were purple, neon green, a lot of pink everywhere. The colors didn't make sense, and they didn't match, but that didn't matter.

Everyone rid on skateboards, and had chains, and they spoke weirdly, to the point where you can barely understand what they are staying...

"YO! Home-slice, whut-up dawg?"

"The ceil bro! L-O-L 'sides tat, whut-up with chu'?"

"Nothin' much brah!"

What language they were speaking, I do not know...

Fresh was sitting in a pile of colored snow, as other monsters, talked and skated, and played weird games, like the game rocket ship that Fresh made when he was a child, so he could play with himself

Fresh watched as the newly Freshed up monsters played rocket ship. They take turns playing with a hacky sack, and whoever is the loser would have to be shot up in the air.

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