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The 5 boys had all cramped into the stall of the airport's bathroom hiding from the fans that Donghae was trying to divert. Yunho sat on the seat with his legs crossed as Jaejoong sat in his lap. Changmin was behind the seat crouching on the back of the toilet and Junsu and Yoochun had one foot on the seat and were leaning against the stall walls.

"I'm getting cramp do you think they have gone?" Changmin asked.

Yunho shrugged "not sure but if I know Donghae he has probably sweet talked her into returning to school and he offered to take her" he stated putting his feet down on the floor Yunho now had a jacket on as him as Changmin was the same clothing size.

Junsu jumped down from his standing position and stood at the door of the stall "let's go before people get wind of all 5 of us in the same place" he said stretching as he opened the door and looked side to side to make sure.

He stopped and turned round and launched himself to the four in front and they all automatically hugged each other "ahh I've missed this" Changmin said suddenly.

Everybody looked up at him with a strange expression "what"

Junsu laughed pulling away.

Yoochun followed him turning round he looked at Changmin as he was rummaging around in his bag "hey Changmin you haven't got yours and Yunho's passport in there have you?" Changmin nodded.

"There was no point in asking was there?" Yoochun shook his head.

Changmin shook his head.

Yoochun looked at them three "you stay here while me and Junsu exchange our tickets and think of a place to go" Changmin handed him his and Yunho's passports over their heads.

Yoochun took them and they walked out of the bathroom making sure to keep their heads down.

Changmin leaned back against the wall and rummaged around in his bag. Jae looked up at Changmin as he had found what he was looking for from his bag and he was eating a bag of chips.

Jae rolled his eyes "he hasn't changed much still as piggish as ever" he smiled looking away.

Yunho laughed leaning back onto Changing's legs and nodded.

"Hey I am still here you know" Changmin said scrunching the crisps bag "excuse me pig coming through" he said getting off the toilet and exiting the stall to leave them.

"By the looks of it he's stealing your food as you're so thin" Jae said putting his hand on Yunho's face.

Yunho shrugged "I just don't eat as much or have the time to" he said resting his forehead on Jae's shoulder and sighed "I'm tired" he stated closing his eyes as Jae ran his fingers through his hair.

"I got your text last night" he added.

Jae sighed "I was deciding whether or not to send it but Yoochun has kind of got a new habit in taking mine and Junsu phone to text random people" he explained playing around with Yunho fingers.

Yunho laughed against Jae's skin, Jae smiled "I missed that?" He said.

Yunho looked up "what my annoying sounding forced laugh"

Jae shook his head "toning you do is forced" he said putting his arms round his neck "hey love you" he mumbled against his skin.

Yunho licked his lips "love you BooJae" Jae kissed his neck "you haven't called me that in forever" he said.

Yunho smiled shaking his head and shrugged "how has Changmin been really?" He said.

Yunho sighed "at first he was angry I mean I kind of was too but he was mostly feeling hurt, we kind of didn't speak until SM town I mean we had to speak because we needed to choose a few songs but when I suggested stuff he was silent so I just chose it" he explained. "What happened then?"

"We didn't speak for another month before we had this big argument and we said a few things I never would and he snapped out of it. Once we decided to be a duo we sort of practiced dances, relearn Japanese and stuff and we sort of become good friends all over again."

Yunho smiled "it was hard for him more than me because I knew, knew the real reason" He sighed covering his eyes.

"He would have understood why I didn't say anything. I never told Junsu and Yoochun the real reason either and I haven't felt guilty about it" he looked up "it's not something I would like to relive."

Yunho trailed his hand down Jae arm "we won't bring it up again" Yunho said kissing him gently on the lips "after everything was sorted we started to live in a dorm again and I've never seen Changmin so clingy before."

Jae raised an eyebrow "in what way I'm curious."

Yunho shook his head "he would be texting to see where I was, what I doing, checking to make sure I was eating and taking care of myself because I had to rehearse my dancing as I was making some mistakes. He was even staying out of his room to do something with me I think he was just afraid that I would leave too so."

Jaejoong sighed "I have a feeling talking to Changmin is going to be difficult" he stated leaning into Yunho warm body and sighed "I always thought meeting you and Changmin was going to be awkward" he added.

"Not yet of course" Yunho and Jae looked up to look at the opening of the door where Changmin was back. Jae looked away first but Yoochun and Junsu came back just in time.

Changmin leaned on the door and Yoochun moved next to him "unfortunately there is no place to go so we have to stay in Korea."

Junsu squeezed through Changmin and Yoochun "we'll go to my beach house" he said

Changmin and Yunho raised their eyebrows "once I got my share of my solo work I wanted to buy some building and a beach house was the perfect place"

"Okay" Jae said "let's do that"

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