On the Mend

23 1 0

Junsu rolled over blinking up at the ceiling and yawned. He saw the blue light in the corner of his eye, he looked at the clock on the side table before looking up at Yoochun's face before slipping out from under his arm.

Yoochun stired "What you doing up?" he mumbled into the pillow.

Junsu ran his fingers though Yoochun's messy hair "Go back to sleep."

"Uh huh!" he closed his eyes again and his breathing evened out.

Junsu scratched his back and walked out of the bedroom following the light to the spare bedroom. He stood in the doorway, "How long have you been awake?" he asked leaning on the doorway.

Jaejoong rubbed at his eyes with the heal of the his hand, "Not long" he replied. He sat in the middle of the bed with a pair of sweats and a blanket wrapped round his naked chest.

Junsu raised one eyebrow to say 'really!'

Jaejoong played with a loose strand of his blanket. "a couple of hours."

Junsu nodded walking into the room, "Do you wanna watch something, it might make you sleep" he asked sitting on the end of the bed.

Jaejoong lifted one leg to hug "I'm tired of watching things." he stated removing a piece of fluff from his trousers. He looked up "Can I use your Piano?"

Junsu nodded, "Yeah, are you sure your going to be alright now?"

Jaejoong nodded, "Withdrawals are starting."

Junsu nodded, "I noticed," he stood up and patted him on the knee, "it will pass soon." Junsu stood and walked out of the door, he stopped at the doorway, "Goodnight."

Jaejoong gave a half ass wave.


Jaejoong dragged his fingers against the keys, he pressed down on a single note before placing his hand on his leg where it crossed on the stool. He looked round the room and his eyes landed on a pad and pencil next to it. he reached for it and wrote a note. He furrowed his eyes as he tried to remember the order in which the notes in his head would be before jotting them down.

He placed the pencil behind his ear before playing the hurried notes off the paper.

Jaejoong stared at the white keys, hand in his lap and his heel against his twitching eye. He let out a huge sigh waiting for the twitching to stop before standing up and pacing the small room. "I'm going crazy" he whispered.

Clenching his teeth he put the cover over the keys and switched the light off and walked back to his room. He got to the bottom of his bed and flopped forward face into the covers. H mumbled kicking his legs in frustration not being able to fall asleep.

Not sure how long he had laid face down, but he heard the shower next door turn on signalling one of his teammates were in the shower. He sighed crawling up the bed and laid his head down on the pillow, blinking rapidly he glanced at the time before reaching up and getting his phone where he left it.

A bunch of messages had piled up while he was asleep. He rolled over and stood, walking down the hall and into the kitchen.

Yoochun stood in front of the stove, he looked up. "Morning."

Jaejoong smiled sitting at the island, placing his phone face up on the counter and hugged one of his legs where it propped onto the chair.

Yoochun placed the scrambled eggs on the plates next to the stove, separating them into two. He turned the stove off and placed the pan in the sink before handing Jaejoong a fork. Jaejong's phone went off. 'Are you safe? Did you get home okay?' it said.

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