lazy sunday [romano x reader]

Start from the beginning


You glanced at your dozing off husband.

"Wasn't it so cliché how we met?" His sleepy eyes gazed into yours.

"Was it. . .? Dio, I don't really remember!" You took his hand under the covers, squeezing a little.

"I dropped my lens cap, don't you remember?" A nod confirmed it.

"Yeah, you were so pretty I just had to say something." He mused, making you blush and hide your face in his chest. He laughed, a rumble making its way to your ears.

That may be all I need

In darkness she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday morning

And I never want to leave




"Lovi!" You wailed over the phone, feeling so lonely. You lived in (c/n), while he was all the way in Italy, and you missed his kisses and hugs.

"I miss you."

"I know bella, I know. Damn, I just wish I could be with you."

You talked for a few more minutes, then hung up, loneliness kicking in more than ever now.

On your next phone call, you answered it only to hear a shout from Romano.

"Bella! My boss says it's alright for you to move in with me now!" He yelled into the phone, as you shrieked back, tears of joy rolling down your face.

The first year was hard. Romano had a lot of work to do those days, and he wasn't always home. You spoke little Italian, leaving you inside most days, venturing out to buy food or whatever else you needed. The country in which you had adored had become almost menacing, the language barrier tripping you up in every possible way.

The house was small but you dealt with it, and cherished the nights he came home to be yours once more.




Lovino pulled you even closer to him, fingers wandering your body gently and legs tangled with yours, not doing anything but just being.

Life was still difficult. Money had become a slight problem, and your ventures out were even fewer. You missed your family back home and fought every day not to break into tear stained pieces. But Lovi made it better. He took away the problems, just for a while. And today was Sunday. No work until later.

They could just breathe.

Fingers trace your every outline

Paint a picture with my hands

Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm

Change the weather still together when it ends

The rain changed up a bit, falling faster now, spattering your windowpane. The faint noises of traffic floated up to your apartment, gray light enclosing you. His hands stroked your hair, your waist, your back, comforting you and turning you to a relaxed state.

That may be all I need

In darkness she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday morning

And I never want to leave

You murmured into the warm cocoon of blankets.

"If I could freeze this moment in time and live here forever, I would." Lovino smiled, as you tilted your head to kiss him once more, before settling back onto his chest, his hands resuming their position on your lower back.

He kissed the top of your head one last time before you both fell to the rhythms of sleep.

But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do

Sunday morning rain is falling and I'm calling out to you

Singing someday it'll bring me back to you

Find a way to bring myself back home to you

May not know

That may be all I need

In darkness she is all I see

Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday morning

since I botched a request, here's the makeup to @bekbekah29

sorry for all the lateness :P

based off this song: Sunday Morning - Maroon 5

xx distant

thanks for reading tho

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