chapter 1: First day

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I still suck// Exited


3rd pov
Error had just been women up but a bottle smashed on her head, "Wake up you filthy MISTAKE" HE Shouted/ ordered.

She immediately got up " This is your first day at this new high school, DON'T mess things up or it'll get worse" She nodded as he slapped her "Reply when I talk to you!" Y-Yes sir!" "Don't stutter" "As you say, sir" I'm ashamed to call you a daughter of mine, " HE Then stopped out of the basement leaving our bean alone in the dark.

Error stood up and looked at how bad the damage was in the shard of a mirror he had given her, it was pretty bad but she could cover it up.

Bandaging her head she did her hair, Changing and putting on her eyepatch she went up and out the basement. Seeing him passed out on the couch was normal to her by now.

Shaking her head she went out the door and headed to the new school. This was going to be pretty exciting yet a bit scary for her. Let's see how this turns out.

Chapter end

Stuff may not make sense for a while till I finish editing the book- This is the only edited chapter so far-

High-school MessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin