The Reality

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Hello! It's been so long! I felt like I owed you all a long chapter. Here it is. Thank you all for the support! Happy reading.

We continued making dinner in silence. I'm surprised none of the boys came down stairs to see what the yelling was about. This was poor timing to be in a angry mood. Mom is coming in five minutes. We should've been in a more happier mood.

I wonder who this special guest is. Maybe it's a guy she's been seeing. Is she finally moving on? I mean, it's been awhile. Wouldn't hurt if she was happy at least. I bet after everything that's happened, she's been hurting. Well, all of us have. Wait until she finds out about today.

"Go set the table, I'll tell the boys to come down." Chris says.

"And... Jessica?" I ask.

"I don't know if you were listening but I just kicked her out the house." He snaps at me.

"No, I mean, what's mom going to say?" I say. "She won't be mad, obviously. She hates her. It's just... she'll be confused."

"She won't be too worried about it. She wanted Jessica gone the moment she stepped into this stupid house. It shouldn't matter." Chris sighs. "Go set up the table."

I grab the glass plates and bring them to the table. As I place each of them in front of the chairs, I can't help but think about James. I haven't heard from him. I wonder if he'll confess to me what he said in the nurses office at one point. I hope it's soon, that way we can talk about it deeper.

"Boys, Lea, I'm home!" The door swings open.

Perfect timing! I quickly place the last plate and run over to the front door. I just want her to hold me. Even if it's for 10 seconds. I need those seconds right now. After the mystery guest leaves, I'm definitely telling her everything that happened. I have to. She's my best friend.

I stop right in front of her. He's here?

"Lea, it's so good to see you again. I hope you're doing well." He smiles.

"Well, I see you guys already met." Mom turns to me.

"Yeah, hes James's dad." I say.

My heart beats with excitement. Does that mean he's here too? How'd they meet, anyway?

"She should be well. Her and her brothers skipped school today. They should have a wonderful explanation to that, am I right?"
Mom raises an eyebrow.

My face falls. She knows. They probably talked about it. Well... maybe not in detail. She would've been more worried.

"I'll explain later." I fix my face, quickly. "Speaking of James, is he and Kayla here?"

"Surprise!" Kayla pops up, right on time.

I smile, widely, and pull her into a huge hug.

"Hey." James walks in.

I break my hug with Kayla and turn to James. He still looks upset. I can see it in his eyes. I slowly walk up to him.

"Hey, stranger." I smile.

Somehow, I feel like with that, most of his worry goes away. At least, that's what I'd like to think.

"Alright, I'm going to check the kitchen. Hopefully Chris didn't burn anything." Mom laughs. "Henry, right this way."

Mom shows Henry to the kitchen. I walk over to the living room. James and Kayla follow close behind. We all sit down and look at each other. I hope it's not weird now. I want it to be where it was. It was a nice start.

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