Trust Me

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Once I got home I quickly went to my room. I'll text him to call me later. Right now, I have to take a shower and look somewhat good. I have no idea if he'll call as FaceTime or just a regular... phone call. I have to be ready for anything. I put my bag next to my bed and put my shoes back in my closet.

I race to my bathroom and take a shower. Is it weird that I have the urge to shave? I mean, he's not going to see me. Wait, why am I freaking out? He's only going to see from the waist up. Maybe even from the chest up. And that's if he's even FaceTiming me. Which I doubt. He's not going to care about what I'm wearing. I take a fast shower and look at myself in the mirror.

Dinner will be done in about an hour. I can brush my teeth and do a face mask until then. I quickly brush my teeth. Once I feel like they are clean, I wash my face. I wonder what the rest of the story will be. Honestly, who would cheat on someone like James? He's cute and full of surprises. It still sucks that I have zero classes with him. Love how the universe works.

"Lea, dinner is almost ready. Just a few minutes left." Mom warns me.

Crap. She must've gotten home early. It's only 4:45 according to my phone. The mask could wait. I finish washing my face. I grab a towel. Once I get put my pajamas on, I start to brush out my wet hair.

My phone dings. Someone texted me.

"Is now a good time to talk?" It reads.

It's from James, of course. Okay. It's easy. Just say the truth.

"Call me at around 6:00. I'll be eating dinner and finishing some homework 🤙." I reply.

"Always busy. You will always live up to your nickname; busybody 😉." He texts back.

I lock my phone and place it on my night stand to charge. I can't be distracted with my phone. Surly, my brothers will notice. I can't have that. Plus, it's on 10%. Weird, I hardly used it today.

Anyway, it's not that I'm busy. I'm hardly busy. Out of all nicknames in the world! And I called him stranger! There is no way he could live up to that. Oh jeez, way to go.

I walk downstairs and walk into the kitchen. Surprisingly, Dylan took the good seat. I roll my eyes and sit two seats away from him. As usual, he stares at me. Maybe I should've brought my phone. What if he starts to call me? My brothers would be the ones to get into my room and answer. They are always so nosy.

Let's think about the positive. It's charging. I told James I'd call him at 6:00. That's more than enough time. He wouldn't just surprisingly call me. He know did he at dinner. I wouldn't be able to answer. Yeah, lets go with that.

"Just a few days until Jessica gets here." Chris walks in all cheery.

God, I almost forgot she was coming over FOR A WHOLE MONTH. As you can imagine, she's not in college. Just like Chris. I guess it's okay to take a break once you finish high school but if I were them, I'd finish college fast. That way, I can just work the majority of my life. Rather than be at school. If I work, I'd get paid. If I get paid, I buy whatever I want. That includes my own house. I'd be away from all these boys!

Chris practically skips over to the seat next to me. Yay. Now, his happiness will be closer to me. Why couldn't he sit across the table, next to Dylan?

"Chris, enough about her. The only reason why I agreed with this was because you were sad. Eventually, this relationship with her has to end." Mom gives him a reality check.

It's like he barely hears her because he pulls out his phone and starts to text someone. I'm sure it's Jessica because his face is so... stupid looking. Thank god this is just happening once. Gosh, Chris needs to find someone new here. It would be so much easier, anyway.

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