Chapter 6 - Mixed Signals

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Oliver Houlby as Twink Bitch (Jason) Second Slide


1 week later

Ivan POV 🌸

Ever since Estrella broke up with Jason, he's been so much happier. I just want to thank god for showing Estrella just how shitty twink bitch is, I still can't believe he fucked ALL of Estrella's security to get to us. Funny enough his boyfriend broke with him cause he found out obviously, dumbass.

Even better news, Gingham told me him and Micheal are dating now, they've been inseparable since, to the point that it's making wonder Ginghams innocence. I've even caught them exchanging lust filled glances when they'd visit us.

I shuddered at the thought.

Me and Estrella went on that little dinner by the way, weirdest most frustrating time I've had with him. By that I meant the signals he was giving me, one second he'd basically insinuate on fucking me, the next he's being super friendly in a platonic kind of way. It's been irking me since and I just want to know how he feels

"Hey Ivan meet Liam he's gonna be my new business partner" I smiled politely at him before shaking his hand "I'll be showing him around the building alright, just take a break while I do, everything's been pretty slow so you don't have much to do" I nod, hey a break is a break and I'm taking advantage of that. Thinking on what I should I do, I decided to head to that little diner down the block where Estrella use to make me get his breakfast.

Ahhh the smell of freshly baked pie invades my nostrils, I'm salivating at the thought. "Hey Ivan long time no see?" Catalina waves to me and gestures to sit in front of her at the counter. "Hey Cat" I smiled at her, I've gotten to know her we might have spoken in person a lot but we text nearly as much as I do with Amanda.

Speaking of the devil.

"IVAN!" She squealed at me from across the restaurant, earning a few glared from patrons. "Amanda?! Oh my god what brings you to Cats Diner?"

"You mentioned it when I came over yesterday so I thought I'd drop by and see what the whole fuss is about, and let me say I love your apple pies Cat" She always loved apple pies so I figured why not recommend this place. "Thanks a bunch sweetie, it was hard adjusting from the Louisiana to the big apple, at first I thought no one would like my southern style cooking, but I'm glad New Yorkers are giving it a chance" she smiled, her apple pies have ranked first in the New York City pie competition for four years in a row, she's a master in making those delicacies.

"So tell us about that sexy boss of yours" Cat chirped. I groan out loud, "he's fucking confusing, one minute we're telepathically grinding each other, the next he's friendzoning me" I'm not wasting my time on a guy who won't fully reciprocate my feelings back.

"Maybe he has trust issues Ivan, after all his ex-boyfriend, that bitch, used him for all his money so maybe he's trying to take it slow, really slow" Amanda chimed in. "She's right Ivan, trust isn't something you build overnight, especially after what happened to him, it's going to be hard for him to just give away his trust again, be patient child" Did Cat really just call me child. "Cat your only 7 years older than me" I teased, "And thats 7 more years of wisdom baby" she responded.


"So do you guys want anything else" Catalina said happily, she's been shoving food down our throats for the past hour and a half, I'm not complaining
because to food is bad no. I'm complaining cause I'm gonna explode.

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