Chapter 18

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"May you live all the days of your life."

-Jonathan Swift


- What do you mean? - Asher says, plastering a big, fake smile on his face.

- You know damn right what I'm talking about - Hunter affirms angrily.

- Are YOU out of your damn mind? - Asher yells.

- I'm not the one harassing the girl I like - Hunter comments.

I want to intervene, but I really don't know what to do.

- I wasn't "harassing the girl I like", the girl I like is Allison, my girlfriend - Asher clarifies.

Asher's POV:

- So are you just messing with her? - Hunter asks me desperately.

- I'm not messing with anyone, I was talking to a girl I don't even care about! - I lie.

I just hope Kira isn't here and isn't dumb enough to believe the bullshit I'm saying.

Kira's POV:

I feel tears forming and waiting to roll down my cheeks.

Suddenly, Hunter starts looking for something,  or should I say someone?

Our eyes meet across the now-crowded cafeteria.

- Whatever - he answers Asher without looking away from me.

Hunter starts walking towards me (and Ruby).

Asher notices I was there the whole time and we lock eyes for a split second, but all of a sudden Allison starts talking to him and from a moment to the other they're kissing. 

I force myself to look away and focus on something else.

- Should we go to our usual table? Jess and Katie are waiting - Ruby asks, knowing that I didn't want to talk about what we just witnessed. 

- Sure, I'll be there in a minute - I answer (still) lost in my thoughts.

Ruby spots Hunter coming our way and nods.

She walks away and greets Jess and Katie once she's near our "usual" table.

- Hey, long time no see ha? - Hunter declares.

- Yeah, I guess apart from class we haven't really seen each-other in a while - I affirm.

- So, how have you been? - he asks curious.

- I'm okay, how are you? - I answer.

- Same old, same old - he smiles.

- I heard something about you distancing yourself from almost everyone - I imply.

- Kinda, but not really on purpose - he clarifies.

- Okay, I should get going, Ruby's waiting for me - I murmur.

- Kira, wait! - he calls.

- Yes? - I ask.

- I know you wanted your space, I respect that, but I would love to go out with you (again), maybe go swim in the lake? - he offers.

- Hunter... - I start.

- It's okay, I understand, you need time - he says.

- I promise I will text you when I'm ready - I assure him.

- It's okay, I just wanted to let you know that I miss you - he answers with an understanding tone.

- See you around - I say, ending the conversation.

- Sure - he replies with an approving tone.

After a really nice lunch with Ruby and the girls, everything seems like it's falling into place.

The day goes fast by, before I can even blink the bell's already ringing and I can finally go home.

- Hey, wait! - I hear a familiar voice call.

I turn around and look at him confused.

- Do you remember me? - he asks quite disappointed after seeing my confused look.

- Of course I do! - I declare.


Hey people these past days I've been updating a lot.

I'm feeling really inspired and I don't even know why.

Thanks for all the feedback that I've been receiving, I really appreciate it.

Love you <333

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