"We should hurry and get after her" the Japanese girl said seriously. Lisa arched her back inwards to try and ease the pain, "there's no rush, she won't get far. All these tunnels lead back to the castle and she certainly won't want to go there".

Mina nodded, "it'll be useful if she attempts to hold up in a building somewhere, it'll make her easier to trap". 

The two vampires walked through the tunnels in hunt for the fleeing Australian.

"So what do you plan on doing with her when you capture her?" Mina asked, "you're being very secretive". The redhead sighed, "I wasn't going to tell you at first but that's when I thought the Aussie would be easier to catch than she obviously is, I'll need your help". "So...?" the Japanese girl uttered.

 "I want to take her to the witch and get her soul back" Lisa replied honestly, "but there's no way I'll get her up the Himalayas to the witch on my own, and then comes the hardship of trying to convince the witch to perform the spell. She was reluctant to do it for me". Mina shook her head, "she won't do it, I imagine the only reason she helped you was because of the prophesy. You wanted your soul back, Jennie's friend isn't likely to want hers back".

"I have to do something" the Thai sighed, "how did you get yours? You've never told me". The shorter girl smiled and nodded, "I guess that's fair, I do know a lot about you after all. I was turned around 500 years ago,  I was the daughter and eldest child of the Emperor of Japan. One of the soldiers had returned from war a vampire, he sired me when everyone was sleeping. The Shogun found out there was a vampire epidemic in his army and began having them killed. Somehow he found out that I was turned too and told my father, the Emperor, to hand me over so I could be slain. My mother was experienced in witchcraft and the magics, she begged the Shogun to let me live if her coven could return my soul. The Shogun was in love with my mother and so agreed. I was sent to live with monks to learn magic and control my vampiric powers". 

Lisa's eyes widened dramatically, "wow...how long did you stay with the monks?". "I lived in the monastery for nearly 300 years, it sadly doesn't exist anymore though the buildings are still there, people visit them. I've witnessed my country go through a lot over the years" the elder replied. The Thai nodded, "literally your country, you're technically the true Empress of Japan". 

Mina laughed, "I guess I am yeah, I've never really thought about it like that. A vampire should never be the Empress of anything". "Try telling that to Dara" the redhead joked. The Japanese girl chuckled lightly, "my point exactly". 

"Did you kill many people before you got your soul back?" Lisa asked as the girls continued their search for Chaeyoung. Mina shook her head, "no, only 3 people. The monks made me pay penance for their murders, it was a...painful process". 

"Wait" Mina said suddenly, "I can sense her". "She's near by" Lisa added, "get ready".

Tiffany wrapped her dark jacket around her tightly, the sun was bright but it was still very cold, not helped by the fact that she was out in the open on top of a building. She wore a black woollen hat and a surgical mask to hide her identity. 

The disgraced former-captain took a sharp breath when she heard the door of the roof access open and close, high heels clicking against the floor, gradually approaching. 

A blonde haired woman in dark sunglasses leaned against the small wall next to Tiffany, dressed all in black. "I shouldn't be here" the blonde said seriously, "you're a wanted fugitive. I'm a respected captain and running for President...I should kill you on the spot". Tiffany pulled down her surgical mask, exposing her mouth, "yes you should, and the fact that you haven't proves you know I don't deserve it".

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