"Bob must've done his party trick to unlock all the doors!" Becky exclaimed from where she was hugging Bob, the tears were evident in her voice. It made sense that Bob was the one to get them all out, he had released horses out of their stables before.

"He saved Firefly," The tears in Mia's voice were also very evident, it was also quite the turnaround from what she was saying last night, that she wanted Bob gone, "Bob's a hero Becky."

Harper forced herself away from Robin and let him walk closer to the other cowering horses, she made a quick head count of her own and saw that they were all there, thank God, "he saved all the horses."

The moment of relief was broken when Bob started to wheeze heavily, he dropped down onto his knees. The group watched in horror as Bob lay down onto the ground completely, breathing heavily, it sounded as though breathing pained him greatly. Becky collapsed down next to him, her tears were no longer of relief, rather fear, she asked Bob again and again what was wrong.

Everyone knew it wasn't good news, whatever was wrong.

Everything blurred together in the early hours of the morning, owners of horses were called to tell them that there had been a fire at Brightfields but all the horses were okay, some owners came down to check on horses themselves while others were too far away and chose to trust Maggie and Elliot to help take care of them.

The vet was called and the group that was there helped to construct a temporary tent around Bob as the sun just started to peak beyond the horizon, it always rose very early in the summer. It was hard to work in the dark, but as more light was given from the sun, they managed to construct the tent completely.

Becky was in the tent all morning with Harper and the vet, while they were in there, Zoe had gone and grabbed them some clothes that they could change into that were much warmer and better than their pajamas. Harper changed into the offered black leggings, shirt and hoodie. While Harper was changing in the trailer that they had managed to save, she noticed that it was Pin's hoodie that Zoe had brought for her, too tired to think of what Zoe was trying to say, Harper just slipped it on and took the other clothes to Becky.

Robin was anxious where he was pacing the other field, there was a pile of hay that had been far away from the smoke and water buckets for the horses, but none of them really had an appetite.

Harper walked back into the tent and knelt down next to Becky, where she had already been for most of the morning, "you should change, or you'll get sick."

Becky didn't say anything, she just continued to stroke through Bob's mane, and she shuffled on the horse rug that they were using as a blanket.

"Becky, if you get sick, you can't look after him." Harper bargained with her, "I'll watch him as close as I can, I swear it."

For a few moments, Becky didn't move, but then she stood up and took the clothes from Harper's outstretched palms. Becky left the tent but not with a long look towards Bob before so. Harper placed her hand gently onto Bob's neck in replacement of Becky's, it hurt so much to see Bob like this, she couldn't even imagine how Becky and Ben felt. If it were Robin, Harper would be absolutely heartbroken.

Once Becky came back, the girls sat with Bob for God knows how long, it must have been at least three hours. Slowly, the pair fell asleep. Becky was sprawled across Bob's back and Harper was rested on Becky's lap. The exhaustion of the morning caught up to them, they had only gone to sleep at around one in the morning and then had been woken up at three. That gave them a grand total of two hours sleep.

Harper woke up a couple of times when Maggie came in to check on Bob with the vet, they chose not to wake the two girls unless there was something wrong, allowing them to get their sleep.

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