"What is it supposed to mean?" Alba retorted at once, giving a suspicious glance at her stupid brother.

The latter raised his eyebrows with mischief."I don't know, do you have a little crush on the poor classes?"

Alba took a deep breath in boredom before closing in the eagerness of her computer cover to give a flat look at her twin idiot."You know what, Nicco?"

"No, but you'll tell me, right? "

Unfortunately, Alba did not really have time to answer since her name was suddenly hailed throughout the cafeteria. All the groups gathered around the room turned to her in response, leaving Alba to cast a murderous glance at Christian as he made his way in an excited leap to their table.

"Alba, Alba, Alba, mì Corazon." Alba's eyes widened at Brown's nickname as he sat down on the chair next to her before waving his hand at his friends who were a little further back."Come on, she's chill."

"Mì corazon." Nicco repeated clearly hilarious before getting up as Samuel and Nadia settled around the table. "Go ahead, go ahead, Alba needs friends anyway."

Alba gave him a grimace at once, raising his middle finger with annoyance. "Go to the hell, Nicco."

To their surprise, their little fraternal demonstration drew smiles on the faces of the new ones, leaving Nicco to address the trio."Try to stay alive. And the new, nice Hijab."

Alba shook her head following her brother's flight before raising her eyebrows as she watched Samuel and Nadia settle into discomfort.

"Don't pay attention to him. He's not really used to socializing." Alba apologized to the brunette muslim.

However to her surprise, she merely shrugged a little uncertain. "No, that's fine. I think it's the first nice thing I've been told today."

Christian hastened to take advantage of it to plead Alba's case as he turned to Samuel."See? I told you. They're really apart. "

Samuel turned to Alba somewhat skeptical before sharing a look with the muslim girl.

Alba followed the exchange in silence, clearly curious as to their next move before supporting the gaze of the jet-black boy as he spoke."Sorry but I think I have the right to doubt it. I see absolutely no difference between them and you. "

"See?" Alba said, giving Christian a look before signing Samuel with a sign of her chin."In a few days you will be like him."

"How's that?" The brunette with the hijab asked at once, letting Alba turn and shrug her shoulders.

"Realistic." Answered the brunette before pausing in a socializing effort."Listen, these people ..."She gestured towards the groups far away. "...aren't so horrible. Deep down. But they're far too blind and privileged to realize that they're snobbish and haughty."

"But not you ?" Samuel quipped with a dark brown arched eyebrow.

"My brother and I had an education different from theirs. While we're as rich and privileged as they're in some areas, we have learned values, a sense of work and respect for others."

"You work?" Christian mocked, dubious.

"Yes, believe it or not. Our father makes us work each summers, my brother and me, on his wine lands." Alba explained, shrugging her shoulders again phlegmatically.

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