twenty-three / biding time

Start from the beginning

    "I know," he said quickly, as if he'd anticipated such a reaction.

    "Cameron told you to leave me alone," she said smartly, seizing her government book again.  Shaking, she considered hitting him with it, right over the head.  But something like that was sure to cause a scene, and assault was definitely against school rules.  And she wouldn't be able to explain her motive to the principal or anyone else.  Clearing her thoughts, she thrust it into her backpack and slammed her locker shut.  The sound rang down the hallway, loud enough to make more than a couple people turn around.  She needed to swap more things, but fleeing was more imperative.

    "Yeah, I know," he repeated. "I just..."

    Instead of moving, Kith remained rooted to the spot, frozen.  She wanted to run, but she couldn't.  She wanted to scream that she hated him, but she couldn't.  His actions had immobilized her.  Just like in his room, she couldn't escape.  You were my friend-my best friend, she thought.  Tears welled up, but she fought to keep them down. "Leave me alone, Austin," regaining feeling in her legs, she stalked around him.

    "I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry."

    She froze again, arms wrapped around her stomach.  Guys and girls walked around her, gossiping, laughing, screaming.  She heard several other lockers slam shut. "You're sorry?" she turned around and walked back towards him.  Stopping, she pressed her aching feet into the ground and left an arm's length of space between them. "You're... sorry?"

    "I know it's not enough," he rubbed the back of his neck.

    "You're sorry?" she repeated, swallowing.  It was getting harder to keep the tears back.  Sorry?  That was all he had for her?  It'd been months, seven of them exactly, and that was all he had to say?  They'd been best friends since the fourth grade and he expected 'sorry' to make everything better?  He'd hurt her in a twisted, unimaginable way and that was all he had to say for himself?

In the seventh grade, some guy called her ugly in front of all his friends.  Crying, Kith told Austin after school ended, and he comforted her; they ate Oreos together and watched a movie.  The next day, Austin kicked the guy's ass.  He got suspended and when he relayed his act of heroism to Kith, she hugged him tighter than anyone she'd ever hugged in her life. 
She'd always considered Austin her protector, her shield.  Before the summer, to Kith, Cameron was the asshole.  Never in a million years would she have guessed that their roles would reverse. "Go to hell, Austin. Go and burn."

    "Kith, I know you hate me," he pleaded. "But I know that's not-"he lowered his voice-"Cameron's baby."

    Grinding her teeth, she glared at him.  Balling her fists at her side, she kept glowering at him. "Yes it is," she said darkly.

    "Kith." The repetition of her name was sickening.  It didn't sound right coming out of his mouth.  And she never wanted him saying her name again; he'd lost that right. "No it's not." His confidence angered her even more.  They hadn't spoken in months and this was what he wanted their first conversation to be about?!

    "Yes it is," she said through clenched teeth. "You wanna know why, Austin?" He stared at her while anxiously running his fingers up and down the strap of his backpack. "Because Cameron was the only one there for me after-"she lowered her voice to a threatening hiss-"you raped me!" Tears snaked down her face.  Austin gazed at her, mouth partially open.  Kith determined that they were done, so she stalked off, wiping tears from her face and trying to breathe evenly.  She didn't want her homeroom teacher asking questions.

  She didn't want her homeroom teacher asking questions

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