nine / double standard

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Back on campus, Cameron jogged up the stairs and went to his room

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Back on campus, Cameron jogged up the stairs and went to his room.  Standing around for a moment, he checked the clock again.  It was eight-thirty, he realized as he dug through his drawers for a clean shirt.  He'd already woken up in last night's clothes.  He didn't need to go anywhere else in them.  Tugging a faded blue v-neck over his head, he headed over to his closest for some jeans.  Snatching a random pair off a hanger, he changed into them.  Sliding his feet into boots, he moved stuff around on his desk, searching for a pencil, a pen, a writing utensil of any kind.

After going through two drawers, he found an unopened box beneath a variety of non-school related items. "Fuck," rubbing his chin, he turned around in a mini-circle.  He had a backpack too somewhere.  He'd come to school with one, so it had to be in his room somewhere.  Kicking clothes aside, he checked the base of his dirty laundry mountain.  It wasn't there.  Reopening his closet, he searched the bottom.  Moving a hidden bottle of vodka aside, he shoved some pairs of shoes aside. 

Triumphant, he pulled it out and hit it so some of the dust would fall off.  Stalking back to his desk, he grabbed his microeconomics textbook and shoved it into his backpack.  Seizing some pencils and spare erasers he'd come across, he dumped them into the front zipper pocket of his backpack.

Heading into the bathroom, he quickly splashed some water onto his face and then brushed his teeth.  Returning to his room, he brushed his hair, grabbed his backpack, and headed out into the November sunlight.  Going through his phone, he checked the schedule he'd made three months ago.  He had no idea where his classes even were.  He just knew that it was Monday morning and he had microeconomics in less than fifteen minutes.  Looking around, he stared at the people around him, the ones who were regularly up at this hour.

"Andrews," he murmured, glancing around.  Despite never going to class, he knew where all of the academic buildings on campus were.

Nearly out of breath, and with five minutes to spare, he walked into the lecture hall, taken aback by the size.  He'd been inside before, but it'd been so long that he'd forgotten over one hundred kids were in his class.  Nate double-taked.


"Oh, hey," smiling, Cameron walked over, tucking his phone in his back pocket.

Nate stared at him, and then around the room as if he was confused. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"You do know that it's almost nine o'clock, right?" Nate questioned, narrowing his eyes at the end.

"Yeah," Cameron nodded.

"In the morning?"

"Yeah," he repeated.

"What are you... this is a classroom," Nate stated, still perplexed.

"I know," Cameron said sharply. "I had to take Kith to school and I just decided to come."

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