18 | An Honest Woman

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"Never call me that."

"Okay, got it. Detective Moore." I laughed.


"I'm just wondering if the things I've heard about this unit are true. I mean, you've been here for a long time, since the beginning, so you would know."

"We are one of the best units in the city. We kick ass and take names. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes, it does."

"Hey, we gotta go. Voight's house was broken into, no sign of him." Toni said. A rush of fear flooded my body.

We rushed over to Hank's house, viewing the scene. His house was torn up, a chair knocked over and blood on the basement floor.

"Smashed his phone so we couldn't track them." Toni said.

"You figure two guys?" Jay asked.

"At least. Somebody was here. Coffee's Voight, but tea.." I shook my head.

"Voight's not the only one who got snatched."

"Okay. We don't got to wait on DNA to find out whose mug that was. We got it right here on video." Kevin held up a light bulb that held a small camera.

We gathered in the bullpen, going over the evidence we had so far.

"Voight had cameras at the front and back doors. Front door, 7:00 this morning, this girl arrives." Toni said, putting a picture up of Olive.

"7:30, two unknown offenders enter the back. Now, we can't see if Voight or the girl lets them in. Five minutes later, this girl is seen leaving. One of the male subjects escorts her back inside."

"Ten minutes after that, they exit the back with the girl. They're carrying Voight out. He appears to be unconscious." Kevin continued.

"We got to put out an all-call message and get a city-wide search going." Jay suggested.

"No, 'cause we don't know what Voight was into. We're gonna bring him home safe, we do it ourselves. We keep this in-house. Now, the girl is Olive Morgan. It's a girl Justin dated when he was in town." Al said.

"Yeah, I remember her from back in the day. I wouldn't figure her for this." Erin shook her head.

"We got to run her through every database we got, see if her phone is active, get her family, credit cards. She could be connected to these two, whoever they are."

"Connected? She could have set it up."

"No, I've met Olive. My opinion, she wouldn't do that." I disagreed.

"For what it's worth, Ruzek doesn't think they're local. So he's trying something else." Kevin said.

"All right, the little guy Ian Marks. LKA came back Denver." Adam put a photo on the board.

"I ran his name through the face the nation database. His whole family's nothing but crooks. No match on the partner."

"The head of this unit's missing four hours already. We need more." Toni sighed.

"Detective." Nadia handed Toni a paper.

"Cell phone towers?" Toni asked.

"That was fast." Nolan said, shocked.

"I flirted with the girl at U. S. Cellular."

"Over the phone?" Erin asked.


"Idiot pinged a local tower. Looks like Marks called his family back in Denver."

"Can't be that stupid." Erin shook her head.

Choices We Make | Antonio Dawson Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora