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3rd POV.

That's right. Forth and Ming, are no longer dating...

They broke up 2 weeks ago, because Forth got back into drugs after going to a party with Arthit, and Ming started working on school more than giving Forth attention.
They just started drifting apart until they finally cut the tie between them...

Ming is ok, he's heartbroken,  but he's doing ok. He cares more about school than the break up honestly.

Forth's ok too, he's currently taking a nap on the floor in Kit and Yo's dorm - where he's been staying the past 3 days until his dorm is ready.

They're both broken... But they really don't care anymore.
They know how sad the other is.
But they don't care.

"They need to get back together. I'm tired of Ming sleeping during class cause he can't sleep on his own at night," Arthit complained while Ming was in the bathroom.

"I feel ya, Forth's a pain in the fucking ass." Kit said and Yo would've agreed but he was sleeping *finally* on Kit's lap.

"Why'd they split?" Beam asked as he was half-asleep on Pha's lap.
They're finally getting along for once. They make a really cute couple.

"Forth's doing drugs again, and Ming only cares about school, they just drifted too far apart," Apo mumbled while working on the notes Ming missed during class because he was asleep.

Yo finally woke up and immedietly went to find Ming. He knows how Ming is during breakups, and it's not good.

"P'Mi-- holy shit!" Yo was not expecting to walk in on Forth and Ming making out in the science faculty bathroom.

Forth and Ming backed away from each other and looked at Yo shocked and blushing.

"I thought you broke up...." Yo mumbled.

"We did." Forth said - Ming nodded.

"Then... What's this?" Yo asked pointing between the two boys.

"A hook up," Ming said and Forth agreed.

Yo was even more confused.

"Just get back togehter then?"

"No way."


"YOU GUYS ARE SO CONFUSING WHAT THE HELL!?" Yo was confused as fuck.

They're all confused...
Especially ForthMing...

AN: plot twists are fun.

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