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Forth's POV.

This kid is seriously getting on my nerves.
Such an annoying, immature boy.

He reminds me so much of him. I shouldn't compare Ming to such a horrible person, but it's true Ming reminds me of him so much, it hurts to talk to Ming some times because of it.


Why does Ming have to have such a similar personality to him?


I finally snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Arthit who looked at me worried.

"You ok P'?" Arthit asked, Kongpob and Ming looked at me worried as well.

"I'm fine guys, just thinking of... What we should talk to the juniors about during the meeting, I don't think we planned anything..."

Hopefully that was a believable lie. It wasn't entirely a lie. But a lie non-the-less.

"Alright, don't over think to much, just let Ming handle them today, he hasn't had a chance to talk to them yet," Kongpob said and I just nodded.

Kongpob pulled me over to the side, away from everyone and made me sit down at a table.

"What's wrong?" He could tell something was up, he's been my best friend/brother since we were kids. He knows when there's something wrong with me.

"It's Ming. He reminds me of him, it's messing up my head." I said and looked around. I shouldn't have done that.

He was there. Right in front of me walking with his new boyfriend and their friends. I tried to look away from him but I just couldn't. He looked back at me. Smiled, and then walked over to me.

"Forth!" He looked so happy to see me.

I wish I could feel the same.

"Hi Yo," I smiled the best I could.

Wayo. Science major. He's such a cute kid. I wish he would've stayed that way. But he's a back stabbing cheater. I'm surprised he's even managed to keep ONE lover since leaving me.

We dated for 4 years before he left me for Phana. They dated for 2 weeks before he left him for his current boyfriend, Kit. They've been together for 3 years now.

"Hey Forth, how've you been?" Phana asked sitting beside me with his husband, Beam.

They got married last year as well, an arranged marriage. They don't like eachother at all but have to act like a couple in public due to their families.

"I've been ok, Sotus takes up a lot of my time now," I said and he nodded understanding.

"How've you been?" I asked and Phana rolled his eyes and looked at Beam.

Beam just rolled his eyes right back, but quickly sat on Pha's lap when his father walked by. (His father is a teacher at the school)

"We're doing great P'Forth, why weren't you at the wedding?" Beam asked and was 'being nice' with Phana, smiling and blushing. Beam's father was watching/listening us from a distance.

"I was pretty busy that day, I'm sorry about that," I lied. Beam told all of us not to show up. Phana kept up the act as well and kissed Beam's cheek.

"That's alright," Phana smiled.

I love how easily all of us can put on a fake-act.

Beam's father left and Phana immediately pushed Beam off him.
Before Beam could fall face-first I grabbed his arm and helped him up.

"Thanks Babe," Beam teased and kissed my cheek before grabbing Phana's hand and walking to class. Beam is such a tease.

Wayo just looked at me confused.

"He's flirty," I said and stood up to leave as well.

Kongpob followed me quickly. I ended up next to my bike and pulled out my lighter and a couple cigarettes.

It's (one of my) my only escape from this hell.

Kongpob took one from me as well.
He needs an escape once in a while as well...

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