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Ming's POV.

I guess I'm dealing with the juniors alone...


Kongpob and Forth left somewhere, Arthit got called into a teacher's room, something about a test he has to retake...
So I'm alone with the 1st and 2nd years....
This feels weird...

"You alright?" One of my seniors asked as we all stood in front of the younger 'kids'.

"I'm fine, it's just weird being the only head-hazer here," I said. The other seniors nodded and understood that.

"I'm back, sorry about that Ming," Arthit said and then took over talking to the juniors before I even had a chance to.

After that short meeting, I was talking to some of the juniors when someone jumped onto my back.

"Miss me?"

Miss me?

"Hi P'Kitty," I smiled and made him get down so I could hug him. Kit's a really good friend of mine, we dated in high school but it was just too weird so we just agreed to stay friends.

"When'd you get back? I haven't seen you for a while," Kit asked - still hugging me, Wayo was starting to glare at me.

I was gone for a couple months working at another university so I really wasn't able to see everyone for awhile.  I guess this Kitty missed me a lot. His boyfriend sure didn't miss me though, he looks like he wants to kill me.

"Wayo, stop killing me with your eyes please, it's creepy," I said and ran to hide behind Arthit.

"My Kitty," Yo pouted and hugged Kit tightly.

"What a jealous baby," Kit smiled and hugged Yo.

They're adorable, I can't wait for them to get married...

I wish I could have a relationship like that. Someone that could love me, take care of me, cuddle with me, feed me...

I need a boyfriend.

"Yeah, you really do P'," Kit nodded agreeing.

"Did I say that out loud?" I blushed embarrassed.

"Yeah," Everyone, even my juniors, agreed.

Forth's POV.

He's gay? Or at least likes guys?
I was standing at the back of the hall listening to their conversations.
I didn't realize he was single - hmm..

"Hey, I got the stuff you asked for." A blue-sotus jacket (boy) came up to me and handed me a small-black backpack.

I nodded and took it from him throwing it over my shoulder.

"Thanks Nong, how much?" I asked and took my wallet out.

He shook his head.

"I already paid for it. Pay me back by paying for drinks tonight?" He asked.

I nodded. "Ofcourse, see you at nine."

I started walking back to my dorm when Ming came up behind me.

"Drinking tonight?" He asked. He comes a long with us every now-and-then.

I nodded.

"Can I join? I haven't been out in awhile," He asked. I nodded. I didn't mind him joining.


He smiled, kissed my cheek, and then ran away.

That's a new one.

Drugs and Cuddles - ForthMingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang